Odyssey Tank Putters Review Thread

With the talk of height in the cruiser thread it got me thinking about my 38" Versa 7 Tank, I have only had one CB putter before this and it was 39", so I'm still learning how to incorporate the longer putter into my game, but I do feel like the added length helps me stand taller, which is something, based on my previous SPi fitting/lesson my instructor wanted me doing, so I would say at even 37" it's gonna help me a bit, I was fit into a standard 36" putter.

I do think though, as the weight is added the lie angle becomes even more important, I'll be curious to see what an instructor will say about my putters later this year after I go back for a refresher, the good thing is, the 38" Versa 7 Tank performs, and at even a bit shorter or maybe even a bit longer it's gonna help my game for sure!
I have actually noticed that not gripping at the end of the grip and down an inch or 2 helps the balance and the feel.

I normally have my right thumb on the y. I believe this is where hawk found his sweet spot as well. The last couple of weeks I have been going back and forth with the right thumb on the e on the grip. Not sure which one I like. Hate having rain gear or jacket hitting the grip. All in all I think the putter saves me strokes.

swing your swing
It has arrived! I will now officially begin testing the Odyssey Tank #1 which measures 38 inches in length.






I am sure that most who have not seen these putters in person, have seen some pictures. I actually found the looks to be much more appealing in person. The first thing that jumped out at me upon removing it from the box was the grip, which looks nearly double the length of a standard putter grip. Not that I pay too much attention to my grip when I am putting, but I was quite pleased with its bold nature. I am not sure what you would call it though, a mix between lightning and camouflage. Finally was the finish of the head itself. Everything I have seen, gave me the impression that the head was black. To my pleasant surprise I learned that it is actually what I would call a gunmetal finish, and I love the way it looks.

Initial feel/performance thoughts

As a disclaimer, all of todays performance thoughts are based on "carpet testing" so take it with a grain of salt. I will likely get it out on the course tomorrow as I battle the forecasted 20-30 mph winds. This is my first time using a counter balanced putter, first time even holding one for that matter, and I must say the sheer weight of the entire putter was quite striking. Once my initial shock regarding the weight had worn off, I found that I was very quickly becoming comfortable with it, and can already say with confidence, that I much prefer it over the lighter weight of a traditional putter. The one thing that undoubtedly took me longer to adjust to was the length, not only of the putter itself, but of the grip as well. Being someone that has always preferred the feel of a shorter putter (33"), the 38" length initially felt very cumbersome. The purpose of the added length is for the user to be able to have room to choke-down on the grip which effectively creates the high level of stability that Odyssey touts in this putter line. I can say with 100% certainty that this is no gimmick. After a bit of tinkering to determine the best location in which to grip the putter, it was very clear to me that I had never before rolled a putter that seemed to just have an innate ability to maintain a square face through contact. I did find that I was much more effective when using a far lighter grip pressure than what I am typically used to. Something I noticed immediately, was that in regards to distance control, my traditional putting stroke produced far more pace than what I was intending. This putter was literally forcing me to make a slow and steady stroke, and the results brought a smile to my face. Shortly after I learned that my normal putting stroke was not compatible with this putter, my distance control was right on the money time after time from just about every length I hit. Tomorrow will ultimately be a much better test of how well I am able to control distance, seeing as I will get to put it on some grass...and in some wind :angry:. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will always do my utmost to provide you with answers to the best of my ability, and as quickly as possible.
I dabbled with this model the other day at the golf shop, I was amazed how stable even the blade felt in this platform, I think Odyssey really has it dialed in with the tech behind this putter, it doesn't matter the head shape or even color for that matter, it just flat out works!
Tank Testing Update
Focus: Directional Control, Comparison to Other Counterbalanced Putters

I went up to the practice facility this afternoon to work on a few things, but when I went to the practice green, I was disappointed to find that the green was closed - they're finally putting the holes in, now that the weather seems to officially turned to spring here in the northeast. So, I went back home to put the Tank to work on the carpet - my focus today is going to be on the ball coming off the putter, so the surface isn't as important as it is for testing something like lag putts, anyway.

I grabbed a can of soda (unopened, of course...), and put it in the middle of the floor, and set up about 5 feet away. Dropped a sleeve of balls, and used the can as the target. I noticed something that I'd seen on the course now and then - I was pushing my putts to the right. Setting up another set of balls, I saw the same thing. Again, this came down to setup for me - I still have the tendency to sort of stand up straight with my hands a bit too high. Taking James's advice from the Tank Cruiser thread, I put a dot on the club - two, actually - one at the top of my grip, one at the bottom. As mentioned before, the best place for my hand seems to be right on or below the "Y". Putted a few more in the right position, and I was hitting the middle of the can. While in this position the grip does get fairly close to my stomach/chest, it's not a problem, even with a pullover or jacket on. If I'm set up correctly, I feel like this putter will be as close to automatic from short range as I can get.

Additionally, when I stopped in to the local store to pick up some balls and tees this weekend, I spent some time testing some other counterbalanced putters - the store had TM and PING counterbalanced models in stock. I will say, at least in my opinion, that the feel of the Tank was superior to any of the putters I tried. Another thing that really surprised me, and that Kyle mentioned earlier, is how stable the Tank #1 felt - it's like getting the stability of a mallet with the look of a blade-style putter. A really, really nice combo. To me, Odyssey has a winner with this entire line. And yes, my jealousy for the 2-ball Versa grows every time I see it...

One final thing I'd like to note - Kyle mentioned a while back that he's found himself getting more aggressive with the putter out on the course - I think I'm seeing this too. I've found that while I've often left the majority of my putts short in the past, I'm putting most with the Tank just past the hole. I played 4 holes before it started to rain the other day, and I made a putt that there's no way it would have gone in with a less aggressive line. I've had a single 3 putt the last few times I've played, and that was from way out, and with a good deal of break. Even with the setup issues I'm having due to the length, I'm still seeing great results.
I dabbled with this model the other day at the golf shop, I was amazed how stable even the blade felt in this platform, I think Odyssey really has it dialed in with the tech behind this putter, it doesn't matter the head shape or even color for that matter, it just flat out works!

I totally agree, this is easily the most stable blade putter that I have ever gamed. Not only is it stable though, it also has an incredible amount of heel toe forgiveness for a blade as well. I can confidently tell you, that on either a heel or toe miss, I experience very little distance loss. Above all, when I miss on the toe with this putter, I no longer get that terrible face twisting push to the right that I have become so accustomed to with blade putters.

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I totally agree, this is easily the most stable blade putter that I have ever gamed. Not only is it stable though, it also has an incredible amount of heel toe forgiveness for a blade as well. I can confidently tell you, that on either a heel or toe miss, I experience very little distance loss. Above all, when I miss on the toe with this putter, I no longer get that terrible face twisting push to the right that I have become so accustomed to with blade putters.

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I've seen a great amount of forgiveness in the 7, I'm glad it's there on the blade as well, Odyssey has their ducks in a row with this line for sure.
With the talk of height in the cruiser thread it got me thinking about my 38" Versa 7 Tank, I have only had one CB putter before this and it was 39", so I'm still learning how to incorporate the longer putter into my game, but I do feel like the added length helps me stand taller, which is something, based on my previous SPi fitting/lesson my instructor wanted me doing, so I would say at even 37" it's gonna help me a bit, I was fit into a standard 36" putter.

I do think though, as the weight is added the lie angle becomes even more important, I'll be curious to see what an instructor will say about my putters later this year after I go back for a refresher, the good thing is, the 38" Versa 7 Tank performs, and at even a bit shorter or maybe even a bit longer it's gonna help my game for sure!

Icey, how tall are you? Not that it's the only thing that would determine length, but it would definitely be a major factor.
Icey, how tall are you? Not that it's the only thing that would determine length, but it would definitely be a major factor.

I'm 6' exactly.
Yep. Tried the Tank 2ball today, the 36", and although it was too short, that's the insert I want!!! Loved it!!!
Yep. Tried the Tank 2ball today, the 36", and although it was too short, that's the insert I want!!! Loved it!!!
Are you thinking 38"?
I was hesitant at first with the 38" grip. I think it actually give me more balance with my putting stroke than the 35" putter I have does. It almost feels like it could be belly putter for a shorter person with the length.

I think with the look and the feel of the Tank #7, that Odyssey did a great job in the design of the putter. I have no reason to stop using it when I go play now.
Yep. Tried the Tank 2ball today, the 36", and although it was too short, that's the insert I want!!! Loved it!!!

38" was a nice feel for me. You may want to look at the 40".
Let's talk about wind, during yesterday's afternoon event there were winds about 25-30 miles an hour with gusts around 35-40, it was crazy windy as you can imagine.

Now here's where the added weight of the tank really helps, the wind was certainly a factor on every shot and even in the sense that it was blowing your body and trying to stay stable was a chore. The added weight of the entire putter really helped, not only could I putt through the wind and not have to worry about it as much on my putts themselves, but making a stroke required less effort than a standard putter in those conditions and windy elements.

There were a couple people in my group with a lighter putter and they were commented on the wind and it's effect all day.

The one thing I may want to test is a bit bigger grip, I don't know what options are out there for a larger grip, I sure hope that SS odyssey becomes available to the public, but the gripiness of the current grip is something I wouldn't want to lose either.

I'll be out practicing tomorrow night and putting is going to be second behind my driver practice for sure. The more time I spend with this putter the more I fall in love even more with it, if that's even possible, I was smitten from the first round out!
Icey, I had inquired of SuperStroke because I know they have some grips for some of the Odyssey CB putters. I would love to get a grip with the weight in the grip for the Tank #7 that I have. I think it would even have more of a positive effect on my putting that this putter already does.
The one thing I may want to test is a bit bigger grip, I don't know what options are out there for a larger grip, I sure hope that SS odyssey becomes available to the public, but the gripiness of the current grip is something I wouldn't want to lose either.

I was under the impression that the counterweight for the Tank was in the shaft, not the grip (I think I read that in the original THP review of the Tank. So you should be able to use any SS grip without too much effect on the feel of the putter. Or are you looking for the odyssey one for the graphics?
I was under the impression that the counterweight for the Tank was in the shaft, not the grip (I think I read that in the original THP review of the Tank. So you should be able to use any SS grip without too much effect on the feel of the putter. Or are you looking for the odyssey one for the graphics?
I was just trying to explain what I might do after the testing period is over, I don't see this thing leaving my bag, but I will obviously leave the stock grip on during the testing and possibly after, I'd love to try a similar tank with a bigger grip just to see.

In any case, the stock grip is a great choice by callaway, hopefully I can put the tank head to head with a cruiser some time and see how they match up. Too bad there isn't a versa cruiser, the versa 7 head is just that good.
Okay, guys. I'm in serious MC bag ponder mode. Biggest question mark for me is whether to use the old, reliable Versa #7 or to branch out and use the Versa 2-ball Tank.

I've rolled the tank at PGASS and really, really enjoyed it. It felt incredibly stable, the added length really helped with my posture, and I thought the distance control with it was really good. With all of that said, I was putting on fake, relatively flat grass.

I would need to buy one of these (hopefully on the cheap) and really put it though the paces before being able to be set on it before the 5/20 deadline. It's something I'm strongly considering, but I'd like to get some input from the guys who have been testing this line.

What are your thoughts? How would you guys handle it? I'm interested to know.
Okay, guys. I'm in serious MC bag ponder mode. Biggest question mark for me is whether to use the old, reliable Versa #7 or to branch out and use the Versa 2-ball Tank.

I've rolled the tank at PGASS and really, really enjoyed it. It felt incredibly stable, the added length really helped with my posture, and I thought the distance control with it was really good. With all of that said, I was putting on fake, relatively flat grass.

I would need to buy one of these (hopefully on the cheap) and really put it though the paces before being able to be set on it before the 5/20 deadline. It's something I'm strongly considering, but I'd like to get some input from the guys who have been testing this line.

What are your thoughts? How would you guys handle it? I'm interested to know.
I would also say don't overlook the Versa 7 Tank, it's an amazing combo of the versa, 7 and tank all in one great putter!

I would test all of them if possible side by side in the store, or see if any of them have playability guarantees so you could take them out to the course and test before you buy. I know some golf course pro shops will do that as well.

I will say you can't go wrong with any Tank, Odyssey really hit it out of the park with this one.
Okay, guys. I'm in serious MC bag ponder mode. Biggest question mark for me is whether to use the old, reliable Versa #7 or to branch out and use the Versa 2-ball Tank.

I've rolled the tank at PGASS and really, really enjoyed it. It felt incredibly stable, the added length really helped with my posture, and I thought the distance control with it was really good. With all of that said, I was putting on fake, relatively flat grass.

I would need to buy one of these (hopefully on the cheap) and really put it though the paces before being able to be set on it before the 5/20 deadline. It's something I'm strongly considering, but I'd like to get some input from the guys who have been testing this line.

What are your thoughts? How would you guys handle it? I'm interested to know.

Disclaimer: I'm not a tester so please weigh my opinion accordingly.

I'm currently using the Tank #7 Versa and I have found that it has all of the same virtues you list for the Tank 2ball. Wouldn't using the #7 Tank be the best way to go for you since you are already comfortable with the shape or isn't it one of your options?

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Okay, guys. I'm in serious MC bag ponder mode. Biggest question mark for me is whether to use the old, reliable Versa #7 or to branch out and use the Versa 2-ball Tank.

I've rolled the tank at PGASS and really, really enjoyed it. It felt incredibly stable, the added length really helped with my posture, and I thought the distance control with it was really good. With all of that said, I was putting on fake, relatively flat grass.

I would need to buy one of these (hopefully on the cheap) and really put it though the paces before being able to be set on it before the 5/20 deadline. It's something I'm strongly considering, but I'd like to get some input from the guys who have been testing this line.

What are your thoughts? How would you guys handle it? I'm interested to know.

I have the original Tank in 36" that your welcome to borrow to test if you want
I would also say don't overlook the Versa 7 Tank, it's an amazing combo of the versa, 7 and tank all in one great putter!

I would test all of them if possible side by side in the store, or see if any of them have playability guarantees so you could take them out to the course and test before you buy. I know some golf course pro shops will do that as well.

I will say you can't go wrong with any Tank, Odyssey really hit it out of the park with this one.

It's funny. I like the #7 in the Versa, but not in the tank line, even the Versa #7 tank. It's a little larger head size, and it does not fit my eye as well.

It's weird, but I've come across the tank a few times, and that's been my impression. Two-ball for my eye incredibly well.
I have the original Tank in 36" that your welcome to borrow to test if you want

I really appreciate it, Aaron. But, I really want to get used to the putter that I would be using. If that means I drop the cash for a 38" two-ball Versa tank, so be it.

I may also try to demo one from GS or PGASS for a week or so and see how I like it.
I really appreciate it, Aaron. But, I really want to get used to the putter that I would be using. If that means I drop the cash for a 38" two-ball Versa tank, so be it.

I may also try to demo one from GS or PGASS for a week or so and see how I like it.

I am in the same boat you are. I want to have some stuff in hand before the #THPMC But I am in full Tank Ponder mode.
I am in the same boat you are. I want to have some stuff in hand before the #THPMC But I am in full Tank Ponder mode.

It's a tough call, because I don't want to game a putter -- especially a putter -- that I am not familia with for the MC.

The Tank has so much potential, though. I just need to figure it out.
You are crazy for considering switching imo. Graced with the chance to keep your putter dude. I'd kill for that opportunity.