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  • Hey Hawk, I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on being chosen to lead THP when we face off against the ZooCrew! I know your gonna do amazing Captain. This is sure to be one event that will go down in the books as complete EPIC History. Again congratulations and im optimistic of joining the team. Have a great day bud.
    Had to find another place to thank you. You killed it on the R1 review dude. Fantastic job!
    Me too, had to tend to the little guy after an early morning flight home. But he felt well enough to hit sea world on my birthday. But very low key weekend with my family.
    That is so true dude. I need to work on my foursome too. I hope to groom my boys to be a sick captains choice team.
    HAHA. I have one due on Oct. 16th and we don't know what it going to be. I am scared too. Please be a boy, please be a boy!
    I'd love to come out there and play Deere Run again but other than that I don't have anything to drive all that way for. I wish they still did those Nature Valley tournaments that was a lot of fun.
    This is one Badarse hat

    Ya its starting to hit home that making it could actually be possible and thats making me even more nervous ha ha
    Just want to say thank you very much for your help with my MC entry. it was greatly appreciated and i really hope to be teeing it up with you in july
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