Missed this one Saturday while in Tennessee

zedonk \ZEE-dongk, -dawngk, -duhngk\


1. the offspring of a zebra and a donkey.
scofflaw \SKAWF-law, SKOF-\


1. a person who flouts the law, especially one who fails to pay fines owed.
2. a person who flouts rules, conventions, or accepted practices.
flak \flak\


1. criticism; hostile reaction; abuse: Such an unpopular decision is bound to draw a lot of flak from the press.
2. antiaircraft fire, especially as experienced by the crews of combat airplanes at which the fire is directed.
agrarian \uh-GRAIR-ee-uhn\


1. rural; agricultural.
2. relating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property: agrarian laws.
epithalamion \ep-uh-thuh-LEY-mee-on, -uhn\


1. a song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom.
arsy-varsy \AHR-see-VAHR-see\


1. Informal. wrong end foremost; completely backward: an arsy-varsy way of doing things.


1. Informal. in a backward or thoroughly mixed-up fashion: The papers are all filed arsy-varsy.
droke \drohk\


1. Canadian (chiefly Atlantic Provinces and Northwest Territories). a valley with steeply sloping sides.
garboil \GAHR-boil\


1. Archaic. confusion.
peckish \PEK-ish\


1. Chiefly British Informal. somewhat hungry: By noon we were feeling a bit peckish.
2. Chiefly British Informal. rather irritable: He's always a bit peckish after his nap.
blithesome \BLAHYTH-suhm\


1. lighthearted; merry; cheerful: a blithesome nature.
environs \en-VAHY-ruhnz, -VAHY-ernz, EN-ver-uhnz, -vahy-ernz\


1. the surrounding parts or districts, as of a city; outskirts; suburbs.
2. surrounding objects; surroundings; environment.
adjective: reticulated

  • constructed, arranged, or marked like a net or network.
    "a pinafore of a finely reticulated pattern"

    • (of porcelain) having a pattern of interlacing lines, especially of pierced work, forming a net or web.

    • Architecture
      relating to or denoting a style of decorated tracery characterized by circular shapes drawn at top and bottom into ogees, resulting in a netlike framework.

adjective: reticulated

  • constructed, arranged, or marked like a net or network.
    "a pinafore of a finely reticulated pattern"

    • (of porcelain) having a pattern of interlacing lines, especially of pierced work, forming a net or web.

    • Architecture
      relating to or denoting a style of decorated tracery characterized by circular shapes drawn at top and bottom into ogees, resulting in a netlike framework.

This describes the badge on the cobra amp cell irons perfectly. Also describes the way a simulator screen looks after i hit 20 drives.
This describes the badge on the cobra amp cell irons perfectly. Also describes the way a simulator screen looks after i hit 20 drives.

I just got my wife the ladies amp cell irons, and first thing I wondered is how to clean that pretty reticulated cavity back when mud and stuff starts getting in there.

LOL at your reticulated sim screen!
clement \KLEM-uhnt\


1. mild or merciful in disposition or character; lenient; compassionate: A clement judge reduced his sentence.
2. (of the weather) mild or temperate; pleasant.
smirch \smurch\


1. to discolor or soil; spot or smudge with or as with soot, dust, dirt, etc.
2. to sully or tarnish (a person, reputation, character, etc.); disgrace; discredit.
rident \RAHYD-nt\


1. laughing; smiling; cheerful.
dactylogram \dak-TIL-uh-gram\


1. a fingerprint.
lagniappe \lan-YAP, LAN-yap\


1. Chiefly Southern Louisiana and Southeast Texas. a small gift given with a purchase to a customer, by way of compliment or for good measure; bonus.
2. a gratuity or tip.
estivate \ES-tuh-veyt\


1. to spend the summer, as at a specific place or in a certain activity.
2. Zoology. to spend a hot, dry season in an inactive, dormant state, as certain reptiles, snails, insects, and small mammals.
prudence \PROOD-ns\


1. caution with regard to practical matters; discretion.
2. the quality or fact of being prudent.
anon \uh-NON\


1. in a short time; soon.
2. at another time.
noosphere \NOH-uh-sfeer\


1. Ecology. the biosphere including and modified by such human activities as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, urbanization, and industrialization.
mustache[h=2]mus·tache[/h] noun \ˈməs-ˌtash, (ˌ)mə-ˈstash\ .....facial hair located between nose and lip

or pronounce it as it is spelled......must ache
previse \pri-VAHYZ\


1. to foresee.
2. to forewarn.