What are you snacking on?

had a seedless orange
seedless watermelon
a peach
Trying to sell Andrea on Katsu chicken for dinner. But for now a cliff bar.
I make sure my buddy approves of the Katsu before I partake. But he says the same!!!!
bogey_russ said:
mmm katsu... i need a recipe for that... but nothing beats home
Pretzel goldfish

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more watermelon
A pumpkin cupcake from Sprinkles...soon to be followed by a strawberry cupcake :)
butter pecan breyers icecream... its not buttery enough =/
Cape Cod BBQ chips
more of the above!
tomato and cucumber salad
tostitos scoops and home made guac
good stuff bogey, I am buzzed and lookin for dinner now :act-up:
Pretzels and Mich Ultra...
Is there anything else?? :act-up:
lol yes there is Bama! but not much else! :act-up:
cheese danish from the snack bar
Chocolate protein shake
Honey mustard pretzels

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grilled turkey and cheese on wheat