funambulist \fyoo-NAM-byuh-list\


1. a tightrope walker.
paramnesia \par-am-NEE-zhuh\


1. Psychiatry. a distortion of memory in which fact and fantasy are confused.
2. the inability to recall the correct meaning of a word.
malarkey \muh-LAHR-kee\


1. Informal. speech or writing designed to obscure, mislead, or impress; bunkum: The claims were just a lot of malarkey.
boodle \BOOD-l\


1. the lot, pack, or crowd: Send the whole boodle back to the factory.
2. a large quantity of something, especially money: He's worth a boodle.
fabular \FAB-yuh-ler\


1. of or pertaining to a story, novel, or the like written in the form of a fable.
oology \oh-OL-uh-jee\


1. the branch of ornithology that studies birds' eggs.
panoply \PAN-uh-plee\


1. a wide-ranging and impressive array or display: the dazzling panoply of the maharaja's procession; the panoply of European history.
2. a complete suit of armor.
diddle \DID-l\


1. Informal. to cheat; swindle; hoax.
badinage \bad-n-AHZH, BAD-n-ij\


1. light, playful banter or raillery.
brume \broom\


1. mist; fog.
galenical \gey-LEN-i-kuhl, guh-\


1. an herb or other vegetable drug, distinguished from a mineral or chemical drug.
2. a crude drug, tincture, or decoction, distinguished from a preparation that has been refined.
polyglot \POL-ee-glot\


1. containing, composed of, or written in several languages: a polyglot Bible.
2. able to speak or write several languages; multilingual.
caseous \KEY-see-uhs\


1. of or like cheese.
argot \AHR-goh, -guht\


1. the special vocabulary and idiom of a particular profession or social group: sociologists' argot.
2. a specialized idiomatic vocabulary peculiar to a particular class or group of people, especially that of an underworld group, devised for private communication and identification: a Restoration play rich in thieves' argot.
I forgot to post yesterday's word so here it is

derring-do \DER-ing-DOO\


1. daring deeds; heroic daring.
schlemiel \shluh-MEEL\


1. Slang. an awkward and unlucky person for whom things never turn out right.
grubstake \GRUHB-steyk\


1. money or other assistance furnished at a time of need or of starting an enterprise.
2. provisions, gear, etc., furnished to a prospector on condition of participating in the profits of any discoveries
bunkum \BUHNG-kuhm\


1. insincere speechmaking by a politician intended merely to please local constituents.
2. insincere talk; claptrap; humbug.
asafetida \as-uh-FET-i-duh\


1. a soft, brown, lumpy gum resin having a bitter, acrid taste and an obnoxious odor, obtained from the roots of several Near Eastern plants belonging to the genus Ferula, of the parsley family: formerly used in medicine as a carminative and antispasmodic. Also, asafoetida, asfetida.
brio \BREE-oh\


1. vigor; vivacity.
Atticism \AT-uh-siz-uhm\


1. concise and elegant expression, diction, or the like.
2. the style or idiom of Attic Greek occurring in another dialect or language.
gauche \gohsh\


1. lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactless: Their exquisite manners always make me feel gauche.
mirepoix \mir-PWAH\


1. a flavoring made from diced vegetables, seasonings, herbs, and sometimes meat, often placed in a pan to cook with meat or fish.
2. finely chopped vegetables, as onions and carrots, sometimes with meat, often used as a bed for meat that is to be braised.
bolide \BOH-lahyd, -lid\


1. a large, brilliant meteor, especially one that explodes; fireball.