Vanilla vs Chocolate

Chocolate! Candy, to doughnuts, to ice cream, addition to coffee, etc.
Chocolate, it stands on its own better. Vanilla for me always needs more toppings/something else with it.
I like both but prefer vanilla. I lot of toppings go with vanilla, so that's what I usually go with.
I like vanilla when it has vanilla beans in it, I like to see the black flakes. I like chocolate no matter what.

Haha these are my exact thoughts as well
SWIRL :banana:

Actually, Cookie said it best for me so I will quote him:
"Completely product dependent for me..."
Usually vanilla for me. Nothing hits the spot like a bowl of homemade vanilla flavored Blue Bell (listeria free, of course).
Definitely vanilla.
Vanilla, Nothing better to me than a vanilla shake.
Chocolate hits the spot every no and then but vanilla for me.
Like them both but if I have to choose it is chocolate for me.
Completely product dependent for me so I guess I can't give an overall answer. Below list has me at 50/50, I don't discriminate.

Ice cream: vanilla
Vodka: vanilla
Coca Cola: vanilla
Oreo: split decision
Candy bar: chocolate
Brownies: chocolate
Protein shake: chocolate
Wise man right here
Vanilla for me as well.
Vanilla ice cream, chocolate Frosty.
If you make me choose, I choose chocolate because I choose.
I second the product dependence thought.

Ice cream: vanilla
Candy bar: darkest chocolate made
Cookie: chocolate chip (a mix)
Protein shake: one scoop of vanilla and one scoop of chocolate
I like them both, but def consume more chocolate than vanilla.

I like vanilla ice cream, but dont go out and buy vanilla flavored candy.

Chocolate wins.
Outside of ice cream, it is chocolate everytime. In the ice cream world, its a toss up, but usually lean vanilla. I'm not really sure why, but I've always found chocolate ice cream to make me thirsty.

Vanilla, can do alot more with it with other foods
I never really cared for vanilla, even if covered in chocolate sauce or hot fudge.
I love chocolate.
When it comes to ice cream, chocolate. Beyond that chocolate is often mysterious but usually disappointing. My wife and I always comment that you look at a desert menu and the chocolate desert will always sound great but typical leave you wondering why you bothered.
Anything dessert is chocolate. Otherwise, it's still chocolate.
Vanilla is just a blank canvas for whatever else you mix with it or put on top of it.

Of the two, only Chocolate can stand on it's own.