How do you reconcile a closed to path club face w/ forward shaft lean (in-out swing)


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2013
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How do you reconcile a closed to path club face with forward shaft lean while make an in to out/draw swing?

I've been plaqued by a push for a year now. Basically since I started learning how to make an in to out swing. It's most pronounced with my woods and is bad enough that it puts me out of bounds off the tee a lot in a round.

A month or so ago I tried taking the advice of just swing and not over think and that helped some with the tee game. I focused on just making a full swing both back and in the follow through and saw a lot of draws off the tee and occasionally a smaller push. But I started hooking my irons a lot more, and would occasionally hit a big hook off the tee. I would also top the ball more often both with woods and irons.

I had a lesson last night and looked at my swing on film and I'm not hitting pushes because I'm un-hinging too early in the swing which is why I'm hooking some and topping sometimes. So my instructor has me working on getting the club handle in front of the ball at impact and when I do that the face opens and results in pushes. Up to 10 yards with short to mid irons, 20 or so with long irons, and 30+ with woods which would put me back OB on the course.

My swing was also too in-to-out which exaggerates the push. I understand how to fix that by working in front of the mirror or with a line on the ground to keep the club and/or grip pointed at during the swing. But how to I close the face more? Should I be focusing on turning the lead knuckles down more or trying to start my arms down sooner in the swing, or something else entirely.

I've just been fighting the same problem for some time now and am getting fed up with not having the right key for my mind to correct the problem. I know there isn't an instant fix, but I'm wondering what people's thoughts are. I've posted a video before and Freddie commented on alignment, but even getting that squared on video I still hit the push. Maybe I wouldn't so much if the plane was closer to zero,but I'm not sure.
If I am understanding this question, I don't think there's any reconciling to do.

A draw requires the swing path to be to the right of the face angle at impact (for right handed players). A square face angle to your target + inside to out swing = ball that starts at target and turns left.

Wouldn't a block right (is that what you mean by "push") be the result of the face angle at impact being square to your inside to out path?

On top of all that, aren't those independent factors from shaft lean at impact? Our club face and path can be all over the place AND we can flip or have our hands ahead at impact, etc.
I'm trying to figure out the correct way to close the face more to get it closed to the path and draw consistently versus not closing it and hitting a push. A block is a push but implies that you are getting stuck, I'm not sure if that is part of the problem or not.

Also, when you lean a club shaft forward or hit down the club face opens. So if you lean the shaft forward you are hitting more down and have to swing more left or close the face more to get the ball not to go right (for a right handed golfer).
CRW - Your post deals with something I've been trying to correct in my game as well. I can make very strong ball contact but many shots are straight-pushed 20 yards to the side of where I think I'm aiming. Then I think, "Well, I'm not going to do that again". So my next swing I hit a big hook, making sure I don't do that again - too much!

It's still trial and error for me, but here's what I'm discovering.

There's such a thing as too much lag. Leading the club handle too far in front of the ball at contact can cause an open face.
If you rotate your torso more in your downswing, at impact your club face will be less open to the target, without needing to manipulate your arms.
It's good to feel that your lead hand knuckles are pointed down and "scraping the ground" as you make impact.

Others who are more proficient than me can add some more or make corrections to my thoughts above. But these are the things I concentrate on when I'm trying to address the exact things you are talking about. My problem with the above seems to be timing. When I'm on, everything's fine, but I can get it out of synch sometimes and then I've got two way misses.
Bury the knuckles of the left hand into the turf. And reduce the amount of in to out in your swing. Operate behind the ball a d swing to your finish.

Usually my tips are part of the fix. Typically I'll have note to add once we fix one thing. I usually start easy and move a more advanced tip. But the above will make you right as rain
Bury the knuckles of the left hand into the turf. And reduce the amount of in to out in your swing. Operate behind the ball a d swing to your finish.

Usually my tips are part of the fix. Typically I'll have note to add once we fix one thing. I usually start easy and move a more advanced tip. But the above will make you right as rain

was going to be my response...simple thing and the results are immediately noticeable.
Bury the knuckles of the left hand into the turf. And reduce the amount of in to out in your swing. Operate behind the ball a d swing to your finish.

Usually my tips are part of the fix. Typically I'll have note to add once we fix one thing. I usually start easy and move a more advanced tip. But the above will make you right as rain

Thanks. I will give it a shot. I just didn't want to start making the wrong changes or chasing the wrong fix without consulting others.

For some reason this video really helped me a lot a few years ago with a similar issue to yours
Thanks. I will give it a shot. I just didn't want to start making the wrong changes or chasing the wrong fix without consulting others.
It's a feeling, the knuckles into the turf. Look for the feeling, stay down and through and finish strong
It's a feeling, the knuckles into the turf. Look for the feeling, stay down and through and finish strong

This! You will be very happy if you can get this feeling Freddie is describing here. I beleive I have been getting this feeling lately, I described it differently, but I truly believe it's the same. And, the results have been fantastic!