Corona Virus/COVID19: Local Impact

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You people that on on that side of the argument say that. find out what the countries who have come out of this with low deaths and do what they do, not the way this country is doing it.
Death rates by country:

brb, modeling our response after Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, South Sudan, Angola and Malawi.
Yes it’s totally political, let’s force people back to work, even though nothing is safer than it was when the outbreak stated because might make my employment numbers looks better. And if people die, oh well..
Quit saying “shut everything down forever”, NOBODY says that. We can have a discussion when people quit using that stupid talking point
A little hypocritical there aren't you? He didn't say "shut everything down forever" just like he didn't say "force people back to work". Why is your argument that those that favor opening the economy means FORCE people back to work? Nobody is being forced to work...
Lets get one of the lets open it up and get back to work people to answer what has changed in fighting the virus that is different from day 1. The answer Is nothing. Stay at home only slows the spread. Most reopening is a political calculation to help a re-election, as was clearly stated in presidential cheerleaders post.
Ok, so what is your solution? Stay at home until a vaccine/cure is available? Short of that what will change in fighting the virus? Oh wait, maybe getting more immunity built up in the population? Hmmmm....
Golf along with most businesses back here in some capacity the 26th. Beaches open but for exercise only, not for sunbathing or hanging out. Wonder how strictly that will be enforced
And to take that a step further - if somebody near you farts indoors, you'll still smell it even if you're wearing a mask. That means those airborne particles have made it to your nose, even with the mask on. If a fart can make it through, how is a mask going to magically filter out 'rona particles? It would be interesting to know the difference in particle size between the two. All I know about it is that I've read in several places that the size of COVID-19 viral particles is much smaller than what a mask is capable of filtering.
And to take it a step further-if you fart indoors and you aren't wearing pants and it happens to be just a little more than a fart pants probably would have stopped some of the splatter effect. Others would still smell it but they wouldn't have to wash off their shoes. That's why you should wear pants.

And, BTW, I'm sick and tired of people comparing Covid-19 to the farts.
try Hong Kong which has had a low death rate
I can't seem to find Hong Kong in that list.

Oh, wait, that's right - they're part of, and governed by, the People's Republic of China. I can find China's stats on that list, they have a very low reported death rate of 0.33 persons per 100,000. Excellent! It's no wonder the mainstream media is propping up China, echoing their talking points and holding them up as a paragon of how to handle the virus. I mean with stats like that, who could possibly argue?

Of course, there is that slight little concern that maayyybeee China's stats are just a *wee* bit off...probably nothing more than minor rounding errors, no deliberate misrepresentation, to be sure. And then all those silly rumors about doctors and whistleblowers mysteriously being "disappeared"? I'm sure there's nothing to worry about there. Yes, we should definitely be more like China.
And to take it a step further-if you fart indoors and you aren't wearing pants and it happens to be just a little more than a fart pants probably would have stopped some of the splatter effect. Others would still smell it but they wouldn't have to wash off their shoes. That's why you should wear pants.

And, BTW, I'm sick and tired of people comparing Covid-19 to the farts.
I agree, it stinks! At its worst, it’s a really crappy comparison.
If a fart can make it through, how is a mask going to magically filter out 'rona particles? It would be interesting to know the difference in particle size between the two.
The gases in a fart are several thousand times smaller than any viral particle.

Think Saskatoon had the last one in North America (could be wrong), but some are re-opening now.
There's one about 5 minutes from me that opened for the season last week. There's another about an hour away. And I've heard of others in the region that are being used for HS graduation ceremonies.
Think Saskatoon had the last one in North America (could be wrong)
We went to one in Buena Vista, CO, last summer. The owner said there are around 300 still in operation in the US. I was surprised it was that high.
Yes it’s totally political, let’s force people back to work, even though nothing is safer than it was when the outbreak stated because might make my employment numbers looks better. And if people die, oh well..
So keep everything shut down indefinitely? Would you feel different if you had no income as a result?
, Again, like somebody else here, tell me what facts your willing to believe. How bout Vietnam and New Zealand , they seem to be doing well.
Seriously comparing NZ to the US? Throw Chad in there while you are at it.
The gases in a fart are several thousand times smaller than any viral particle.
And here I thought I had an intimate knowledge of farts.
Lets get one of the lets open it up and get back to work people to answer what has changed in fighting the virus that is different from day 1. The answer Is nothing. Stay at home only slows the spread. Most reopening is a political calculation to help a re-election, as was clearly stated in presidential cheerleaders post.

Do what I do - grocery shopping, golf, walk/jog, curbside service, walkaholics (walk with someone while enjoying a drink), social distancing backyard drinking, go to an outside patio for dining if you dare, shop online, work from home.

Almost what I do anyway other than in-person meetings, dining in and going to theatres, flying, traveling - in other words, most of the fun is gone from what you did previously.

But you make your own fun
Yup doing all those things you are doing too. Not going to subject myself to being around the irresponsible people who just decided that now is the time to disregard all safety precautions just to get a meal at a restaurant or a freaking haircut.

Beauty of choices...You dont have to.
Others, if their areas allow it, can do those things.
Maybe it is. I see people driving their cars alone, yet they where a mask. Or someone walking down the street with no one anywhere in site and wearing a mask.

I wear a mask in my car, never alone, at least once I realize that I’m still wearing post work. You know that you and I agree on a lot but are you sure you’re not seeing an infant in the back seat that the parent is maybe trying to protect?

I took Tyler to the doc today and I wore a mask in the car. Now he’s 6ft y’all and was driving so he’s hard to miss, but if he was still an infant I’d still be wearing it.

Please note to everyone not named Sean, Tyler is asthmatic and while I don’t worry about the other younger two very much in this, he has a history of getting very sick with everything he gets and had asthma so bad he has scarred lung tissue. Yeah, I don’t want him to get this and I work a high risk of exposure job. So much so that I wash my clothes every day the second I get in the door. I have a stockpile of Lysol Laundy Sanitizer that I use as well.
Yup, but the argument is if your not for opening up everything then you are a stay inside till there’s a cure person, which is ridiculous.
Just as the argument is that if you are for opening up you are causing, allowing and for death.
In my area it is still tough. I noticed some local reports that the virus numbers had actually increased and mainly due to breaking out in a couple prisons. I think some people are going to take the risk and others are not.

I know a number of folks I have talked to said, they are not going back yet until they know there is a vaccine or something to help them if they get it. Some of them say, I don't really care about it.

My wife works for the local parks and recs and they are getting ready to schedule some summer and fall sports and I know they are not that sanitary there because they simply don't have the staffing to keep things clean enough. I have no clue how that will turn out.
Sitting in my (not home) office, watching folks at the restaurant across the street enjoy a meal. Commie-fornia is open for biz!
Yup doing all those things you are doing too. Not going to subject myself to being around the irresponsible people who just decided that now is the time to disregard all safety precautions just to get a meal at a restaurant or a freaking haircut.
The problem with living in a free society is that people aren’t going to always do what you think they should do....
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