20k posts and I'm out. Farewell THP

Calling it a career after only 20K posts? That doesn't really strike me as something a previous GD captain would do, but...... 🤷‍♂️

@Hibs you seem pretty popular around these parts, maybe reconsider? 😂

Wait: @Hibs was fibbing? #shameonhibs

Now the question is: do we pour a couple of fingers of bourbon in celebration?
You know, I was going to have a seltzer or two, but I think bourbon sounds better.
Great idea!
@Hibs that's what you pull for 20k

Love you bro!
You know, I was going to have a seltzer or two, but I think bourbon sounds better.
Great idea!
We've met, so you know I can't get by in life based on my looks. I've got to have good ideas.
Smaller pour, but Cheers @Hibs!
Not really.

Didn't know what to post for 20k, so had to think of the weirdest most 'Hibs' thing to do. this is what I landed on.
I do and say a LOT of weird **** and it's all for my own amusement.

I crack myself up 😁

Thanks for letting me hang around.
Love this community.

Love everything about this.
here’s to 20000 more. 🍻
Only 20k?