Be careful when you're hoarding gasoline


@alekbabel -2022 Grandaddy!
Albatross 2024 Club
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
I can't believe that this twitter thread has to exist.

This is absolutely insane! There is no gas shortage
Just wow.
I’d better stop filling my pockets with gasoline!
It's amazing what this country is coming to, I'm honestly surprised how some people make it to adulthood at all.
Gas should be restored shortly as well - based upon everything I've been reading there are 10,000 trucks going to run fuel as well as ships and trains moving more gas down the pipeline in the East Coast. Less than 1% of all gas stations had run out of gas.
You underestimate the stupidity that exists in our country haha
I don’t think this will be a problem in Jersey.
I just don’t get it. Hoarding or the level of ignorance.
I know that this is real world for those being affected, but I cant help but think of the Always Sunny episode
Blows my mind that people need to be reminded, but that is natural selection working. Some do not need to be reproducing.
So many selfish. fear-driven a-holes out there
Long story, will try to shorten it.

I have these neighbors - an older woman and her adult son - who legitimately need assistance. Last fall, I put fuel stabilizer in their riding mower and instructed them to fill it with fresh gas. Last week the son comes over, says the mower isn't running right. I ask does the mower have fresh gas. He replies, yeah I just added it today. I ask how old was the gas in the gas can. He replies, Oh, yeah it was pretty old.:(

So I go over with some fresh gas and a hand pump. I find his plastic gas tank so I can pump the old gas out of the mower and notice something's wrong with it. When he comes out of the house, I ask him what happened to the tank. He replies, Oh, I caught it on fire.

Maybe it was a good thing the gas was old.

The worst part of this is that the poor guy does nothing but sit out in his backyard with a small campfire going. I feel bad for them both because the dad/husband passed away last year. So I'll cut up firewood and bring it over to him now and then. My wife didn't like me doing that as she was worried that he might catch the woods between our houses on fire... and that was before we learned that he somehow got a gas tank close enough to an open flame to melt the plastic.

I shouldn't talk, I've done a lifetime of dumb things. Do any of the old timers here know what can happen when you set the timing on a car off by180°?
Blows my mind that people need to be reminded, but that is natural selection working. Some do not need to be reproducing.
Where I live it’s just day to day life. Totally agree with the so many should not be reproducing.

People gotta chill

That said I'm afraid to go to wawa tomorrow morning as I legitimately need a fill up