Birthdays that hit you harder than others


2022 Grandaddy Alum
Albatross 2024 Club
Dec 30, 2020
Reaction score
South Carolina
I’m turning 45. That even hurts to type! It didn’t bother me turning 25, 30, or even 40 but turning 45 has seriously done a number on me. So, I have to ask THP, what birthday hit you harder than others? And all you youngsters that will say 21 or 25…..Get off my lawn! 🤣
I turned 32 this year and while I’ve seen a handful of specialists over the last year for various ailments, I feel like I’m just getting younger and better looking every year. As a matter of fact…

55 for some reason. Never had an issue at all until I hit 55. I was retired, kids were gone, wife was retiring, and I was 55. But, it's all good now at 58. I took up Golf and EVERYTHING suddenly got better.
I haven't really had any that had an impact on me personally (I'm 33). However, watching my parents, and my dad especially, get older sucks. My dad will turn 74 this year, but I still think of him as being in his 50s. Really punches me in the gut when I think about it, but my dad is still the hardest worker I know though he sometimes doesn't know when to quit.
50 was weird for me when I started getting AARP mail. Next year will be 60 and I just don’t know how that will go lol
I’m turning 43 Thursday and haven’t had a birthday that made me feel old since I turned 25.

I don’t expect 45 to feel old but when my youngest brother turns 40 in 13 years I expect that to cause me some issues.

happy birthday @PackersGirl
27 hit me hard for some reason - probably because I was having my first child....

And 45 too... you know... decided to leave my profession to try something else, sold my truck (haven't bought an Iroc with T-tops yet...), and pretty much removed any and all peeps in my life that just don't make my life better.

So I feel ya!
None have as of yet. I was pretty young when I got into the industry I am in, so I have always cheated up for age to try and get some more respect. When I was 27, if someone asked if I was 30 it was pretty much yes. And I started telling people I was 40 when I was 37.

The only time I was kind of taken aback was when someone who knows both of my brothers assumed I was the oldest of the 3... when I am the youngest (by 2.5 years and 8 years) but I just assumed it is because I am so mature and handle myself in way of wisdom.....
I haven't really had any that had an impact on me personally (I'm 33). However, watching my parents, and my dad especially, get older sucks. My dad will turn 74 this year, but I still think of him as being in his 50s. Really punches me in the gut when I think about it, but my dad is still the hardest worker I know though he sometimes doesn't know when to quit.
I agree, watching my parents getting older really sucks.
I’ll let you know in 96 days. Leaving my 50s behind :cry:.
None have hit me too hard yet. There was one time after I turned 32 a few years back. I was talking to a younger co-worker about something college related and they said "its been a decade since you were in college!" That stung a little.
Your just a spring chicken! I've never really let becoming a certain age effect me but I must say my impending 60th this year has me pondering a bit.
None. 37 right now and just enjoying each stage of life 🤙
I am 46 now but 45 was a tough one for me too. Mainly due to my smart ass son pointing out that 20 & 70 were the same amount of years apart for me now (well then).
40 hit me. It was the age I felt was "old" when I was younger. Feels weird to say I'm 41. Doesn't feel possible
40 hit differently for me. i celebrated it, but all of the "i have no idea what i'm doing" thoughts were impossible to shake.

this year 41 was weird. 41 is definitely not old, but it sounds a lot more adult than i feel.
27 but that had to do with the tequila and not the number.

Really nothing yet. I thought 40 would but it was whatever. Maybe that had to do with it being in the middle of Covid times. I think I might be feeling the same as you in 3 years though.
You know what… it wasn’t my birthday that hit hard. It was my dad’s 60th recently. 60 isn’t old these days and he’s in good shape and health thankfully. But it got me thinking that our time on this wonderful Earth isn’t unlimited. The last 10 years has gone by in the blink of an eye and if the next 10 years is the same I’ll be in my 40’s and my dad in his 70’s…
No birthday ever bothered me so it caught me by surprise when 50 did. I didn’t like it at all, LOL… With 55 coming later this year, I’m already not happy about that one. Would be glad to be around for it, though.
I hit 46 this year. The realization that i was closer to 90 than birth hit me hard for some reason. Getting older sucks, but we gotta make the most of it!!