Bouncing / Juggling the Ball on Your Wedge?

I can get maybe two bounces before the ball heads for parts unknown. It's a cool looking trick, just nothing I've ever put any effort into learning/practicing.

You've attained Next Level status when you can do it like Tania Tare:

I can't do it at all, but if I tried what she just did I would somehow hit myself in the face with something.
It actually baffles me. I'd say I'm fairly coordinated and athletic. I can actually juggle real balls quite easily, but I can't for the life of me do this, to me the concept is so straight forward but I just can't keep the club face level.
This guy bounces golf balls on a ball peen hammer and he swears this is the best thing you can do for your golf game. Look up the hammer man on golf for more videos. There is actually instruction out there for this. No one should ever be put through such agony, but he makes it look easy. Dude can even flip the hammer while bouncing the ball. I would quit golf in a heartbeat if I had to do this.

The only golf ball I can successfully bounce, is after a shot when it hits a cart path. :cool:
Haven't really tried it in a while aside from bouncing it a few times when picking it up, but used to be able to bounce/dribble it around 50 times.
In my younger days,
when I might have tried that while waiting on a tee on a crowded day,
I just lit up a cigarette instead.

Haven't smoked for many years, so now I just wait.
I can juggle with my wedges. I can also juggle three balls and spin a basketball on my finger. It is like anything else in life. Time and practice. When I started trying a wedge juggle I couldn’t do it at all. But now I can do it as long as I want, more or less. Took time to master it but just practice it and it will come eventually.

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nope, not me. I can get about 2 bounces and that's about it. Just not something I've ever spent much time trying to learn.
I have never tried to juggle the ball on a wedge, but I can use a wedge to flick the ball up and catch it when I chip it close enough for a gimmie
I have tried but was never able to do it. There must be a trick to it.

it was one of the "Challenges" for our golf league this last year. Learn to juggle 50 bounces in a row. We have challenges each year that are marked off to earn your way to a coin. It adds a fun level to it, like hole out a chip, or sand up and down save, or hole a 30 ft putt and you get to check them off the master list. It becomes a competition itself. But this took me all season to learn but I managed to do it. You would be surprised how much it takes your mind off slow play if you are waiting on a tee box and start practicing. Its your turn to hit before you know it.
This guy bounces golf balls on a ball peen hammer and he swears this is the best thing you can do for your golf game. Look up the hammer man on golf for more videos. There is actually instruction out there for this. No one should ever be put through such agony, but he makes it look easy. Dude can even flip the hammer while bouncing the ball. I would quit golf in a heartbeat if I had to do this.

Being tradie , and using impact tools in associated way , helps impacting the ball , now where on the ball that’s a different sphere of knowledge lol
Came across this today. Warning: It's appropriately Funny.

I tried to be good at it but just couldn't make it work. Annoying
I have not spent time working on this “skill.” Although I have good hand eye coordination, if I try any of this I would just make everyone around me laugh. My golf game has plenty of laughable moments as it is. No need adding more. 😬
I can juggle, but i do not bounce valls with a wedge. I do however pick up balls with one if i am chipping. Walk with my bag and scoop them up....
I used to do it all the time but haven’t done it in quite some time. I used to be able to pop the ball off the ground with my wedge then start dribbling the ball.

Now if I tried I’m sure I would be missing a front tooth.
Yup- I can also juggle so eye/hand coordination is a "gift", I suppose. It was a matter of learning by doing. Start easy by holding the club close to the head, then move down to the handle as you get better. I'll do it with wedges, and some of the other irons when on a Par 3 waiting around. The higher Irons get a bit trickier, but I keep trying.

I can do the "Keepie-Uppie" while walking, but the trickier stuff isn't in the repertoire.