Golf Chick

Golf Fashionista
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southern California
I've always swung my driver and 3 wood the same way as a hybrid or iron. How would you go about changing this? I was instructed that they're the same swings for all clubs, but then again, maybe it was because I was just starting out and now just need to tweak things here and there, including swinging with different clubs.
I'm working on having one swing for all my clubs. Maybe Andy in "Ask the Pro" could better answer this question for you GC?

I'm working on three different swing right now, and I've discovered early on that one swing works better with my driver, FW, and hybrid, while another works better with my irons, and yet another works better with my wedges. I don't know if this is good or bad. <scratch head>
This is Ask the Pro section, so I'll wait with my feedback until Andy gets a chance. I think I confused you in my fairway woods section... sorry.:bulgy-eyes:
This is Ask the Pro section, so I'll wait with my feedback until Andy gets a chance. I think I confused you in my fairway woods section... sorry.:bulgy-eyes:
Duh...sorry you all. :banghead:

Maybe I should stop now...
Lets get this out there. Your swing should be the same through out the bag. I don't want you to feel like you need to learn 3 or 4 different swings. That being said:

The driver and fairway woods are longer and lighter. That being said due to the length you are setting up farther away from the ball. The ball is farther forward in your stance. This combination of things forces you to swing flatter and catch the ball later in the swing. So the swing is different. I don't want you to get the idea that it is different to the point of changing your swing.

Golfers fall into 1 of 2 categories. They either love their woods and don't like the shorter clubs or they love the shorter club and don't like their woods. This comes from weather or not they feel more comfortable swing flat or vertical. I hope this helps clear some of this up.
Thanks Andy, and sorry for the confusion GC!
Here it is in a nutshell:

This video (this part of it) has been my "Holy Grail" for as long as I can remember.

It points out why just ONE SWING applies to ALL CLUBS and that no matter what club is being used, the swing itself remains the same. I've always believed this to be true and I think it's the simplest and easiest way to approach the game of golf.

