Corn Nuts fall into the Bugle and Combos category for me. I only eat them on road trips and they are always a spontaneous buy.
I love them. They are addictive and will show up on the scale if you pound them.
I am a fan.
Only on road trips, something about crunching corn nuts while driving long distances suites me.
loved them in college, though it's a trick to eat them without making noise in Pathology class
The trick is to mix them in with other quality ingredients... Toss them in with a few spicy peanuts, some pretzels, and a little bit of cheddar popcorn and you are in business.

But corn nuts breath and burps are a real thing and other may not be a fan if I eat them.:ROFLMAO::LOL:
I always think I am a fan. Then after a small amount I think to myself, what the eff am I doing.
It’s the smell right?? Haha
I used to be a huge fan of these. Then I lost my taste for them and switched to potato chips. Drank both with Coke! When I got to 40+ pounds overweight, I decided to cut all of that crap out! It's kind of crazy, but I haven't seen Corn Nuts around for quite a while. It could be that I am just not looking for them. Since I ate them way back in the day, I'm sure that they taste worse now than what I ate back then!
Never seen these in my life
I like them as a road snack, I'm not a ranch guy but I like the fake ranch on them, lol.