Do you see the clubhead hit the ball?


I promise not to murder Canadan.
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
I know the chances of you actually seeing the moment of contact are very slim, but do any of you feel you "see" the contact?
when I keep my stupid head down I do

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I'd say 95% off the time no. I also don't see any correlation between seeing the ball and better scores. In the past 2 months I've had a low of 81 and a high of 93, can't say that I saw the ball more or less during those rounds.
I'll go with no. I go by feel off the clubface, ball flight, and the divot.
No. I would say never.
Only when putting.
I don't believe so
I'm not even sure my eyes are open at impact.
I see the blur when it passes but I don't see it make contact
When I am focused I see impact with irons and wedges.
I think so.....
I'm pretty sure I don't. I've never thought about it before.
i dont think theres a club in mu bag where i see impact made
From tee to whatever chipping distance is, nope not even close. And I'm not even going to pretend that I do. I see the impact from others in my group, but never my own.

Chipping and putting though, while not 100% of the time, I see impact a lot
I actually thought about this yesterday on the course. I can't remember ever seeing contact. Someone else said it, but... I'm not sure my eyes are even open at impact, to be honest.
Only when putting.
Nope, don't see contact. I see the divot for a split second just before my head lifts up when my shoulder hits it, but that's about it.
When I'm playing well, I FEEL like I see it. Other times it is a complete mystery!
funny this came up because i was thinking today about my last 2 rounds, which were pretty great for me. i had incredible focus on the back of the ball through out my swing or stroke. in my mind i could see the hit at impact although i know that in reality that did not happen.
It's my swing thought to see the impact. Forces me to keep my head still and not over swing. I believe that I see it, but whether I actually do or if it's a mind trick who knows.
Full shots no. I agree with Nicklaus on this - club's going too fast.

However, I often do see the ball right before impact (lift up too often) and often have a decent mental picture of my alignments through impact. May help infer how clubhead impacted the ball.
I'm not even sure my eyes are open at impact.

Yeah this. I'm always like "Did I even focus on the ball at the point of contact?"

I do find that focusing on the back of the ball during my swing does help improve my contact though, so while I might zone out right at contact, the focus up to that point is very important.