First online golf retailer you can remember using


My first golfing specific was budgetgolf though.
eBay with a money order as payment!
Wold have been TGW in the early 2000's. Found a killer deal on an umbrella. Pretty much exclusive to Budget unless its an exclusive item i cannot find there
3 Balls Golf, I bought a Cobra Speed LD driver that had a small dent in it for $20.
Either TGW, or Hireko.
Edwin Watts, Golfworks, Golfsmith....One of those
American Golf, although I seem to remember it being called American Discount Golf. It was a chain across the UK. It was like going to Disneyland when I was younger.
Edwin Watts back around 1980.
Golfsmith, way back in the day...
man, I totally forgot about golfsmith. Used it all the time.

What a blast from the past.
I think I saw an eBay post from RockBottomGolf, and they also had an online store. I wound up buying directly from their website for some reason (I must have saved a buck or two). Must have been over 20 years ago.
How about ordering out of the Golfsmith catalogue in the pre/very early internet days?
Golftown was the first.

Components was through Golf Works, still is.
Definitely eBay.

If that doesn't count, it was either Rock Bottom or a place called (I think) Dallas Golf. This would have been in 2000ish