How many episodes do you give a new show before punting?


2025 Worldwide Golf Championship - Team ?????
Albatross 2024 Club
Apr 26, 2018
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Oxford, Mississippi
It's rare that I go more than 2. If I don't care about watching more of it then, I'm looking for something else.
2 to 3 is usually my limit. If you can't convince me by then, I am not sticking around.
third is make or break, but I can put up with a lot of bad TV/shows
Sometimes as little as one. Rarely more than two or three.
3rd is the do or die.
I can make my mind up with 1 episode, like the tiger guy show.
2, maybe 3 at the most. I can tell pretty quick if I am going to like it. If it resembles a rehash of ideas from earlier shows, I'm not interested in it.

Some shows like "Picard" I didn't even finish watching the pilot. I thought the creators would have done better with a "DATA" show.
Interesting thread. For me, it would have to be three episodes max, but if the series survives and there's some buzz, I might come back. There are exceptions, and as I was using the always-authoritative Wikipedia to learn more about Carl Reiner and The Dick Van Dyke Show, generally considered to be one of the top comedy series in TV history, I came across this:

CBS had intended to cancel the show after its first season, but Procter & Gamble threatened to pull its advertising from "the network's extremely lucrative daytime lineup" and the show was renewed, keeping its Wednesday night time slot.[18] The show jumped into the top 10 by the third episode of its second season, helped by coming directly after The Beverly Hillbillies, the number one show at the time.

Think that would happen today?
3-5. I like to let them develop their concept before I jump. I have moved on after one episode with some real stinkers, but most shows that appear worth watching (having made it through the first filter) take more than one or two episodes to get into the characters and storylines.
1, if the first episode doesnt grab you then the shows got problems..
If you don't grab my attention if the first 15 minutes I'm out. The only time i break that rule is if the series is recommended by someone i trust.
2 or 3. I mean it's pretty hard to get me watching if the first episode doesn't draw me in, but if I'm told to stick with it I'll usually go 3 max before giving up.
If I’m not entertained halfway into one, I’m done.
I have a couple of friends who'll stick with a show for the first season before making the call. They both say shows need time for the story lines and characters to develop.

I gave Bosch 4 or 5 episodes a few years ago but couldn't get interested in it. It was like Law & Order with cussing but without the snappy sound effect.
2 maybe 3 at the most. If I'm not hooked by then, no chance I keep going.

My wife and I give any show the "20 Minute Test". We start watching and at the 20-minute point we pause it and ask each other, "Is this going to be worth watching".

Surprisingly many shows that seem like something we ought to like turn out to flunk the 20-minute test.
Depends. If its a new series, 2-3 episodes. Some aren't worth a 2nd though.

If its on older series recommended by someone I'll give it a bit longer, or sometimes someone will say; "its a little slow, but picks up in season 2".

And series like Babylon 5, SG1, or Star Trek Voyager, the special effects aren't great at the start, but in later seasons they are mint, and worth the wait. But if I didn't know that through friends I may have gotten bored early on and abandoned them. All 3 are some of my favorites now.
1 if i've never heard of it.
2-3 on average.
more for certain things that everyone seems to really enjoy like stranger things or the off-course podcast ;)
After one I am usually sure one way or another. If someone has recommended the show I will give it 2.
None if it's something the wife picked, 1 or 2 if we picked it together.😎
Usually pretty early, but I have quit many a show after being deep into it once I get irritated with the new direction or the acting. I just quit Dark in season 3 ep 3. Just grew tired of the same schtick.
Depends on how long the episodes are. I’m more inclined to give it a few more if they are short but hour long shows is a max of 3
Usually 2 or 3. Though I watched Lost and the Walking Dead for the whole first season and then bailed on both. Of course they ended up being wildly popular, so what do I know?:ROFLMAO:
4 - 5 seems to be the most for us...unless someone we trust says "you gotta push through the first X episodes"