needs some thoughts and opinions


Active member
May 13, 2019
Reaction score
how does one become more consistent from day to day?? I just want to tighten up my dispersion score pattern from one day to the next.. I can go out there and shoot even par one day and shoot mid 80's the next day.. I can go out and look like a pro one day and a dang hacker the next. Id prefer to do away with the really good rounds and really bad rounds and have all my rounds be within 3 to 4 strokes every time I play.. Is this normal for all golfers or do I just not have a repeatable swing that works some days and not others?? Golf is so frustrating!!
how does one become more consistent from day to day?? I just want to tighten up my dispersion score pattern from one day to the next.. I can go out there and shoot even par one day and shoot mid 80's the next day.. I can go out and look like a pro one day and a dang hacker the next. Id prefer to do away with the really good rounds and really bad rounds and have all my rounds be within 3 to 4 strokes every time I play.. Is this normal for all golfers or do I just not have a repeatable swing that works some days and not others?? Golf is so frustrating!!
Always helps to see where your loosing shots. Also may help to have reasonable expeditions. Your bad shots may not be that bad comparatively. Once you realize that game will improve.
On the bad days, where do you tend to lose strokes at?
on a bad day its the whole game.. can't get off the tee box, bad iron shots, can't putt. It's like every shot I hit is bad. I honestly can't say its more one part than another.. I wonder how much of it is mentally being there vs not being there.
Always helps to see where your loosing shots. Also may help to have reasonable expeditions. Your bad shots may not be that bad comparatively. Once you realize that game will improve.
I feel like on the bad days nothing goes right.. Like today I wasn't consistently getting off the tee box.. hit my irons like crap (going right and left).. seemed to miss every putt that mattered just a little left or a little right .. Bad days are just that, bad.. And the opposite on the good days, its like every shot I hit is flushed and straight.. Can easily shoot even par.. How can you be good enough to shoot even par but at the same time be able to shoot in the mid 80's maybe even 90.. I just don't understand why there is such a wide swing from good days and bad days.. wonder if its a mental thing or mechanical thing (just a swing thats not repeatable)..
I feel like on the bad days nothing goes right.. Like today I wasn't consistently getting off the tee box.. hit my irons like crap (going right and left).. seemed to miss every putt that mattered just a little left or a little right .. Bad days are just that, bad.. And the opposite on the good days, its like every shot I hit is flushed and straight.. Can easily shoot even par.. How can you be good enough to shoot even par but at the same time be able to shoot in the mid 80's maybe even 90.. I just don't understand why there is such a wide swing from good days and bad days.. wonder if its a mental thing or mechanical thing (just a swing thats not repeatable)..

Because golf is hard lol, then you put unmaintainable standards on yourself and self destruct. A scratch golfers average score is around 75. That’s average. A scratch golfer also averages 1.7 3 putts a round. I don’t know what your handicap is. I will tell you I’ve been there. I’ve imploded at events because of my unreasonable expectations. Now I’ve realized my bad shots aren’t bad and truly terrible shots are few and far between. Golf is so mental.
Let me know when you figure it out. :ROFLMAO: I've been playing this crazy game for 38 years and some days I still look like I just took it up yesterday!
I feel like on the bad days nothing goes right.. Like today I wasn't consistently getting off the tee box.. hit my irons like crap (going right and left).. seemed to miss every putt that mattered just a little left or a little right .. Bad days are just that, bad.. And the opposite on the good days, its like every shot I hit is flushed and straight.. Can easily shoot even par.. How can you be good enough to shoot even par but at the same time be able to shoot in the mid 80's maybe even 90.. I just don't understand why there is such a wide swing from good days and bad days.. wonder if its a mental thing or mechanical thing (just a swing thats not repeatable)..
Ask Hannah Green. 61 yesterday, 75 today.
Lighten Up Season 2 GIF by PBS
on a bad day its the whole game.. can't get off the tee box, bad iron shots, can't putt. It's like every shot I hit is bad. I honestly can't say its more one part than another.. I wonder how much of it is mentally being there vs not being there.
Well for me it's bad knees and sometimes I can't walk more than one klm, I can chip 15-20 balls in my back yard then hit 10-15 three-quarter hybrids and I'm done so just a little better than none 😁
Unless you have the luxury of hitting hundreds of balls a day like a pro that does it for a living, the ball striking will never be anywhere near as consistent as theirs or as consistent as we think it should be for us. Score-wise, a pro can shoot 64 one day and 76 the next. We expect too much of ourselves. It is golf. Golf is hard.
Golf is hard and being inconsistent is what all of us do. I had a stretch last July/August where I shot par or better 9 times in 11 rounds followed by zero rounds at par or better and only shooting lower than 76 twice in my last 15 rounds played in September/October.
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The pros don't get a 3-4 shot dispersion, you won't either. Try for something more realistic and accept it for what it is. We all have awful days on the course.

To be more consistent, I try to.... play one shot at a time and not even think about what my total score is until the round is over....have a routine and process for each kind of shot that I play... play as smart as I can when managing what shots I attempt (recognizing sucker pins etc.,) and accepting on my weak points and/or shots that are critical to scoring in between rounds

Good luck!!!
Got to find a swing and be able to get to it everyday. It might not be tight all the time, but you gotta be able to get the ball down range on almost every swing.

Gotta be able to get shots inside 50 onto the green consistently.

Gotta 2 putt everything.
Oh. Thoughts an opinions on quality golf techniques? Sorry, can‘t offer anything on that one…. :ROFLMAO:
how does one become more consistent from day to day?? I just want to tighten up my dispersion score pattern from one day to the next.. I can go out there and shoot even par one day and shoot mid 80's the next day.. I can go out and look like a pro one day and a dang hacker the next. Id prefer to do away with the really good rounds and really bad rounds and have all my rounds be within 3 to 4 strokes every time I play.. Is this normal for all golfers or do I just not have a repeatable swing that works some days and not others?? Golf is so frustrating!!
Have you watched your swing on video. Maybe something your doing differently on days the swing is off. Does your swing rely on perfect timing of hands. Something like this can cause big swings in scores.
I just think of it as a bad day of golf is better than a good day at work.

I don’t let the bad games bother me.

I believe the only way to get really consistent is to practice more than playing. Especially at the weakest areas if your game.

I just like to play more than practice.
how does one become more consistent from day to day?? I just want to tighten up my dispersion score pattern from one day to the next.. I can go out there and shoot even par one day and shoot mid 80's the next day.. I can go out and look like a pro one day and a dang hacker the next. Id prefer to do away with the really good rounds and really bad rounds and have all my rounds be within 3 to 4 strokes every time I play.. Is this normal for all golfers or do I just not have a repeatable swing that works some days and not others?? Golf is so frustrating!!
I relate to this so much (I guess we all do). For me it’s the iron game. I‘m usually ok off the tee and with my short game but the irons are so inconsistent. Some days I‘m in a groove and feel like I can’t go wrong. Other days I can’t make a swing and the whole day is nothing but playable misses (GIR drops into the teens or twenties those days). Some days the swing is there at the start of the round, abandons me through the middle, and shows up again near the end. It would be maddening if I didn’t have the ability to laugh at myself.

It’s a weird game. Like any stock you own the chart is going to have peaks and troughs. You just try to keep it trending in the right direction.
Golf is so frustrating!!
That frustration is as much a part of golf as anything else, and being inconsistent is as well. I work hard on my game, but have learned to accept what golf gives me on any given day, and move on. No matter what level you play, you're going to have good days and you're going to have bad days. If you can't accept the bad days, than golf will not be very fun.
how does one become more consistent from day to day?? I just want to tighten up my dispersion score pattern from one day to the next.. I can go out there and shoot even par one day and shoot mid 80's the next day.. I can go out and look like a pro one day and a dang hacker the next. Id prefer to do away with the really good rounds and really bad rounds and have all my rounds be within 3 to 4 strokes every time I play.. Is this normal for all golfers or do I just not have a repeatable swing that works some days and not others?? Golf is so frustrating!!
Tony Finau shot 62 Friday, 72 is hard and being 3-4 shot consistency just doesn't happen.

I think realistic goals and expectations will help you enjoy the game more.

Yesterday, had a birdie followed by 2 horrible shots and a double...followed by an easy hit fairway, hit green, two putt par. It happens
With the limited info you provided I’ll say this…even par up to the 80s is a 10 plus strokes swing. Is this due to a couple/3 “blow up” holes. Doubles and triples adding up to 10 plus strokes? Or 10 plus bogeys? If it’s the blow up holes then it’s prob mental. Maybe you hit one bad shot and mentally the old “here we go again” creeps in and it snowballs for that hole.

If it’s a pile of bogeys then you must be hitting just slightly less quality shots that day.
Play on a slow day and record all your swings. After each shot give a thumbs up/thumbs down/or so so flat hand wiggle to the camera. Then sit down and drop the shots in an app ect to analyze those swings.
I did this once and began to capture what was happening. For me I would start to shorten my backswing when a more precise shot was required. I didn’t even realize I was doing it. Seeing it on video helped a lot. So on these types of shots now I take a couple extra practice swings and make sure I don’t “saw it off” and try to guide the ball.

Also as many have said….Golf is HARD!
on a bad day its the whole game.. can't get off the tee box, bad iron shots, can't putt. It's like every shot I hit is bad. I honestly can't say its more one part than another.. I wonder how much of it is mentally being there vs not being there.
Golf is hard and somedays you just don't have it. It sucks but you just have to move forward knowing tomorrow will be better.

The Pro's are not as good as we think. Yes they are Amazing but they have bad holes and rounds but we don't get to see those on tv too often.

Some days You are the Hammer and somedays your the Nail!
Tony Finau shot 62 Friday, 72 is hard and being 3-4 shot consistency just doesn't happen.

I think realistic goals and expectations will help you enjoy the game more.

Yesterday, had a birdie followed by 2 horrible shots and a double...followed by an easy hit fairway, hit green, two putt par. It happens
Last week, Justin Thomas went 65-77 on Friday and Saturday.

Happens frequently where the winner of the previous week misses the cut the next.

Golf is hard.
Look at the professionals, it not uncommon to finish top 10 and miss a cut all in the same month. Or even to finish 6 under one day and 2 over the next on the same course.

I think repetitive fundamental drilling and mental toughness along with highly regimented shot processes helps, but ultimately it’s a hard game!