Non Smoker getting paired up with smoker


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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I have asthma and cigarette smoke always triggers my symptoms. I played in a tournament yesterday and the guy I got paired up with smoked 2 full packs over 18 holes. After the 1st hole I asked him to not smoke in the cart and he apologized and smoked away from me and the other 2 players, but the smell was still so strong I got a migraine and had to go back to my car and get my inhaler and advil.

For the record, I don't care if people smoke, as long as i don't have to sit 2 feet away for 5 hours.

For those of you who smoke?
- Would it have been rude for me to get a second cart and ride solo?
- Are you offended if someone asks you not to smoke?
Not a smoker here, but what you did is 100% perfectly fine, in my opinion. A legit medical concern is more than enough reason to ask someone to abstain from poisoning themselves around you for 5 hours, they just have to be respectful of others. I would have gotten another cart and not thought twice about it in your position.
Im a smoker and always ask my cart partner if they mind if I smoke. If they do, I wont smoke in the cart. I will usually light one up and then walk to my next shot or two and its usually done by then. If someone asks me not to smoke by them, I dont feel offended by it as long as its asked respectfully. Were outdoors and I feel I have as much of a right to some and someone does to ask me not to smoke. Its just about being respectful
I smoke a cigar regularly when I play and if I am in a cart I always ask if it is OK (unless it is someone I know and play with regularly) but I walk most of my rounds. I would have no problem getting your own cart in this situation and I doubt this guy would have either. Lets him do his thing and you do your thing.
Not a smoker here, but what you did is 100% perfectly fine, in my opinion. A legit medical concern is more than enough reason to ask someone to abstain from poisoning themselves around you for 5 hours, they just have to be respectful of others. I would have gotten another cart and not thought twice about it in your position.

More than enough reason? There should be no reason needed. Smokers shouldn't force other people to smoke for any reason. I'd be telling that guy to find another cart.

I grew up with a Mom that smoked in the car with us and wouldn't roll the windows down. That's the only smoking I've ever done. She died young of throat cancer. So I have an obvious chip on my shoulder about this stuff. I do not understand people that "need" smoke in their lungs to live. It's laughable.
I like that more and more people vape. It doesn't trigger my allergies as easily and sometimes smells nice. As a non smoker I hope that, for those that need it, more and more will chose this option when golfing. It also leaves way less waste on the course.
I'm somehow pretty allergic to something in cigarette smoke, so it is a big bother to me when people smoke or smell like smoke around me. Eyes immediately react as the headache kicks in, if I'm around it long enough I'll start breaking out on my chest and getting short of breath, if I don't get away from it soon enough I'm going to be down for a couple days. Oddly enough most cigar smoke doesn't bother me at all.

I'm pretty quick to ask people to not smoke around me, or I'll just go off and play by myself or with a different group. People who smoke should be free to do so in an open environment, but I should also be allowed to enjoy that same open environment without getting sick. If someone doesn't understand that then they're probably not the kind of person I'd want to share a round with anyway.
I like that more and more people vape. It doesn't trigger my allergies as easily and sometimes smells nice. As a non smoker I hope that, for those that need it, more and more will chose this option when golfing. It also leaves way less waste on the course.
It's funny, because i feel the vaping has caused things to get worse. Some who vape feel they can do it anywhere they want at any time. I've had a guy light up in someone else's house, then act offended when we asked him not to "but it's just water".

I can't imagine the guy being upset because you jumped to another cart. I think that would have been the best thing for you to do.
See absolutely nothing wrong with asking someone if they wouldn't mind smoking in the cart with you. Nor do I see anything wrong with asking for a 2nd cart and rolling solo. As other's have said, it's all about how you ask.
... From NARF:

"We have known for at least 25 years, since the 1993 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Risk Assessment, that secondhand smoke is a Group A Carcinogen, known to cause cancer in humans. More recent research reveals that there are immediate health risks, including asthma and heart attacks.

Despite this information, 58 million people in U.S. remain exposed to this deadly health hazard at home, in the workplace, and in public places.

There is no safe level of secondhand smoke exposure.
Smokefree air is good for employees, customers, and business.
Ventilation is not an effective solution.
Many people remain exposed, despite progress with smokefree laws."
That is a serious chain smoker!!! Non smoker and I would have asked the same thing that it not be done in the cart. I also hate seeing ashes on the green.
One of the fellow members I play with on a regular basis is a smoker. He refuses to share a cart with anyone because he says "if I want to kill myself with smoke, thats my problem. No one else should have to join me in my cloud" When he plays other courses he will pay extra for his own cart as well so he's not forcing people to deal with his second hand smoke.
I hate cigarette smoke with a passion, and will always ask nicely to be careful and most people are nice and receptive about it.

what I will never tolerate however is the smokers that throw their butts(or anything else for that matter) on the course, I have picked them up and gave them to the person on multiple occasions, that is gross and a total lack of respect for the other golfers.

for some reason, cigar smoke doesn't bother me at all, go figure
I think if you would have got a 2nd cart for yourself it would have been perfectly acceptable, especially with a health reason.
More than enough reason? There should be no reason needed. Smokers shouldn't force other people to smoke for any reason. I'd be telling that guy to find another cart.

I grew up with a Mom that smoked in the car with us and wouldn't roll the windows down. That's the only smoking I've ever done. She died young of throat cancer. So I have an obvious chip on my shoulder about this stuff. I do not understand people that "need" smoke in their lungs to live. It's laughable.

I've got a similar chip, but it wasn't the death in the family that made me dislike cigarettes. I have found them disgusting for years and years.

I don't think the OP is wrong at all, you shouldn't need a health excuse other than not wanting to endanger your own health by breathing second hand smoke. And I agree with others that say the smoker should be the one offering to ride solo. I also very much appreciate the smokers in this thread who realize that your vice is not mine, and are courteous about keeping it to yourself (there are so many people out there who do not act this way)

In general, I don't have a problem with smokers (to each their own) but if I see you tossing your cigarette butt on the ground whether it be on a golf course, a street, etc. I will take issue with you. It drives me crazy that so many people seem to think that you should recycle your plastic and paper, and not litter your trash, but a cigarette on the ground is perfectly acceptable.
In general, I don't have a problem with smokers (to each their own) but if I see you tossing your cigarette butt on the ground whether it be on a golf course, a street, etc. I will take issue with you. It drives me crazy that so many people seem to think that you should recycle your plastic and paper, and not litter your trash, but a cigarette on the ground is perfectly acceptable.

100% agree, I always say something when I see it on the course, second time I'll pick it up and give it back, third time, I'll throw it in your drink or golf bag
I have never smoked and lost both of my parents to cigarettes.
You did the right thing by asking him not to smoke in the cart which is what I do.
If he doesn't like it, then he gets another cart.

As far as tossing butts on the ground, you only get one chance with me. The second time I see you toss one on the ground, I pick it up and drop it in the bottom of your bag.

I don't pee in your living room, so don't throw your nasty trash on my golf course.
I also have asthma, bad, it's a daily issue for me. I really dislike smokers, 2 weeks ago I split a cart w/ a smoker, burns a hole in my new Pete Millar slacks. I walked the last 6 holes. I just move away from the smoke, but causes instantaneous shortness of breath and wheezing, and the need to use an inhaler. You would think, on a golf course it wouldn't matter. The allergic smoke patient will react to the smoke from many yards away, and it's a disgusting habit.
Not a smoker, but I do enjoy a cigar on the course from time to time and I wouldn't be offended at all if you rode solo in another cart or asked me to not because of those reasons.
I smoke cigars on the golf course. The 4-5 guys I normally play with don't mind the smoke, as one other player smokes cigars, and one smokes cigarettes. If I shared a cart with someone who asked me not to smoke my cigars, I'd try to re-arrange the carts or ride solo if that option was available. If that wasn't possible, I'd refrain from smoking. Maybe people are just being polite, but I can't remember anyone asking me not to smoke - on the contrary many have said they enjoy the aroma of a good cigar. Usually the smoke quickly dissipates with the wind, especially on the courses we play on.
I use to smoke cigs but now (past 4 or 5 years) I vape an e-cig. When I smoked regular cigs I always did so away from people. Whether golf course or wherever else I always went away from others. Most people dont mind the e-cig vapor discharge. Though I do walk so I am mostly in my own airspace anyway. I dont like tobacco cig smell. I do like the smell of a good cigar though Im not a cigar smoker but something about it i dont really mind and on rare ocassion I might have one myself. But like when I smoked cigs, I try to go out of my way not to disturb the others.
I have a smoker or two I often play with. I just position myself up-wind from them.
I think if you would have got a 2nd cart for yourself it would have been perfectly acceptable, especially with a health reason.

This. I was a smoker for 25 years and knew it was a dirty habit, so I don't think you have to worry about offending anyone.
100% agree, I always say something when I see it on the course, second time I'll pick it up and give it back, third time, I'll throw it in your drink or golf bag

every cart at my course has an ashtray in it, so if I find one on the green I'm livid. My buddy who walks with me all the time has a an ashtray on his clicgear, lol.
also, i don't know if its just me, but american cigarettes really stink, I mean a lot more than canadian cigs. They smell like cheap cigars, and honestly I've always liked the smell from Canadian cigs, even before I started, and still do 6 years after quitting, as I still let people smoke in my house if they want as it doesn't bother me at all. But if its a US cig yuck, camel dung.