Scratch this job off your list!

I find it unreasonable for an employer to tell me what I can and cannot do in my spare time, as long as it is legal.

But I am not a coach of a Div I sport. So there's that....

And mental health is important for a reason. People need to "get away" for a while, why not the golf course? Is it worse than the local bar?
"I do not expect you to have 5 hours to yourself on a Saturday or Sunday."

I wouldn't work for an employer who regarded this as a healthy view of work, or success. That's not driven. I honestly think it's unhinged. The idea that he's a coach of young adults to me is insane. I mean, that guy already looks like he gets his uv exposure from a lamp.

From the article: [Pastner] said that, when he’s at home, he is often thinking about work and not completely engaged with his family. “It’s not always the best way to be at times, because you just go and go and go, but that’s just who I am,” he said.
I was thinking about this thread and it reminded me of a story Billy Tubbs, former men's basketball coach at Oklahoma, told.

He said he was talking hoops at the dinner table one night until finally his wife said, "Billy, I swear you love basketball more than you love me."

He said he told her, "But I love you more than track and field."

Pastner is still bitter that they gave the job to Sean Miller.