Stabbing over slow play

Does a knife count as a 15th club or is that only if you are playing blades?
Slow Play Taken To Extremes

Slow Play Taken To Extremes

This is taking slow play a little too extreme don't ya think?

Man stabs golfer because he wasn't allowed to play through? C'mon ... has it really come down to this in our day & age? Fist fights, guns pulled (I know I'm packing in my bag from now on) & now a stabbing?

Good Grief!
Oops ... sorry I just posted about this as well.
I'm guessing/hoping there was a lot more said and done than simply slow play and not letting the guy play through.
Wow this is ridiculous.
we have to get these assault pocket knives out of the hands of crazy people. background checks for all swiss army purchases. it's the only way to curb this senseless violence.
Holy crap! I hate slow play as much as the next guy, but DAMN!
Depends on the cause of slow play - If the snails are teeing two on each hole, then stab away, Stabby McStabber!
I can understand how it got to a point where he actually did it. A crime of passion in my eyes.

A lousy way to ruin a day of golf too.
I read this a few days ago. Was the stabber a single following a 4 some and they wouldn't let him thru or was the stabber with another 4some behind them. If he was single and the group refused to let him play thru I could this happing. I've been there before as a single watching a guy take 8's and 10's on every hole. There's a time and place for beginners and it's not a resort course or higher end public course.
But that is the difference about being in Fl. old guys use guns not knives.....too messy and you might get some on you.

Old guys getting their revenge. Lol
OK, take knife and purposefully stab it into another human being. Tell me how that's worthy of joking about slow play? This person is very messed up, at best. Come on THPers, you can do better -- apologizes to those who took this seriously.
You can't fix stupid....
Wow,people are just...... Speachless on this one

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After given this some consideration and reading the other comments, I feel I have no choice but to arm myself. Knives are messy, and guns are loud which is why starting today my weapon of choice will be a crossbow.
OK, take knife and purposefully stab it into another human being. Tell me how that's worthy of joking about slow play? This person is very messed up, at best. Come on THPers, you can do better -- apologizes to those who took this seriously.
If we can't laugh at stupid people what can we laugh at.
Stabbing over slow play

Just think about how inconvenient it would be if you felt bad about it after stabbing him, you'd have to help him get medical attention and everything... I mean it'd be like:
Take a shot, drag him down the fairway, take another shot, drag him to the green.... For multiple holes until you finished your round?!?!
That would get tiring

**Disclaimer** "This post was intended as a joke and may be viewed by some (most) as being in poor taste. Rjwiggall does not condone the use of any sharp objects on the golf course and discourages violence of any kind. Only you can prevent golf course assaults."

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