What do you collect?


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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Right now I am just in wine mode. For the last 10 years I have been buying wine, but it is getting a little bit out of control. What do you guys collect?
I collect logo balls from courses I have played. My wife collects shot glasses from places and states she has been to.

I also collect a lot more golf shots than I would like, but I don't keep them for more than a day or so. :smile:
If it counts as collecting, a box of 1,000 small wooden golf tees. The type that is more commonly broken (especially on par 3s).
Webkinz. Oh wait, that's not me--that's my kid. But they're breeding when I'm not looking and taking over the house.
Baseball cards, logo golf balls, pounds :crying:

I mostly collect Jose Canseco baseball cards. I've got a large binder full of his cards and another box full of cards. I've been a fan of his since the late 80's when he came on scene.

If I find a good logo ball I'll keep it. I've got some from a lot of different golf courses and places in general. I've got a ball from Pebble Beach, Spyglass Hill, St. Andrews, and I've got a couple from Hawaii, Canada with the RCMP logo on them, Green Bay Packers logo, Kentucky Wildcats and a bunch of others. I need a nice little shelf to display them on. I've also got a ball from my first round of golf. I'll probably keep my first Birdie, Eagle, and Hole in One (if it's not the same as the Eagle ball) if I ever get that lucky.

I've also got a few extra pounds I've been collecting. Doc says they need to go but I've worked so hard getting them I don't want to let them go. :smile:
You're an IT professional? :banana::clapp::rotfl:
guess what i do for a living?

They're beautiful! My great-grandfather was a carpenter in the old country. Brought all his tools with him when the family came over. My grandfather refinished them, and my father had (still has) them mounted on a wall, along with other family stuff. It's a great display, and so it yours. Old fashioned planes are the best.
I actually don't collect anything ... and I'm sort of proud of that (not that there's anything wrong with it).
I cant stop buying knives for the kitchen. I love them, I get stuck cooking every night so why not. Here is what Ive gathered so far.

more sharp tools!

i bought my g/f a set of Henckels a couple of years ago, but she doesn't like them. she walks near them and she cuts herself!
Those knives are cool--the high priced stuff. But what's with the pink base for the stand mixer?
We just bought some Cutco knives. I've cut myself on them several times already!
Those knives are cool--the high priced stuff. But what's with the pink base for the stand mixer?

I thought pink was the new black.:confused2:

But really, I bought it for my girlfriend when we first got the house. She loves pink and she likes to bake, so I went for it. It doesnt look too bad in the kitchen.
I collect hat clip markers from courses that I play, and logo golf balls. And occasionally I will buy a hat if they have on that I like.
Me as well, every new course I play, I get the ball markers and logo ball of that course. I am waiting for someone to build me a display case for the balls.....cough
Guitars and such...that's why me buying clubs isn't nearly as bad as when I'm on music gear kicks!
I collect pieces of antique/period furniture that I have restored; golf books mainly autobiographies & biographies, history of the game, histories of Australian golf clubs etc.; logo golf balls from clubs all over the globe; US Open caps; golf memoribilia, paintings and lithographs, old photos; antique golf clubs, persimmon woods; putters. Only have one wife, one dog and two lorikeets.
It seems I collect hats but what really happens is I always forget my hat and wind up buying one to golf in and then it gets added to the collection.
ball markers and repair tools. not necc. courses I have played but anything really. I've been on cheap public courses and found ball markers and repair tools from St Andrews and other world class tracks. doesn't have the nice story as if youve played the course but still cool

I have about 50 repair tools, all different types