What would pack for school lunch?

Or it could be for lunch now. I’m not too judgey.
Turkey, chips, Oreos.
Not packing my lunch. Holding out for the old school square pizza
Would have been turkey, chips and pudding.
A2Z…. How you gonna pack a grilled cheese???
Turkey, Chips, Pudding.

Even now as an adult, if I could take that for lunch I would be ok with it.
Gimme B 3 Z.
Would have been Turkey sandwich, chips, pudding. I’d gladly eat that today.
Pre cooked and microwave or toaster
Private school??? Id have to use a hand dryer, but I don’t even think we had those at my school.

Jaime Camil Picture GIF by CBS
Rice Krispy Treats

None are quite my favorite but all are perfect school lunches because they are the “easiest” and cleanest
Turkey, Cheese String, Rice crispy treat.

I’d also be happy with PBJ, cheese string and Oreos
Alright you 2, answer the question!
I'm confused on what you mean...same way you pack the others..except you make an extra one to eat as you pack
Turkey, chips, Oreos.
Same for me, although I wouldn't be upset with any option except the grilled cheese. Who packs a cold grilled cheese, is that a thing?
Way back in the 1900's when I was in school it would have been B-2-Z