Where else do you wear it?

Shorts and 1 Lows? Almost everywhere. Polos? Nowhere at all. Strictly on the course... Specifically, courses that either require them or the large majority of players wear them... I wear tees at my local course and another 15 min away. When in Rome...
I pretty much wear my golf stuff all the time
My golf shirts and pants double as work clothes at times. sometimes I need to wear slacks and a button up, but on most days I am in my 5pocket golf pants and a Travis Mathew polo at work.
Wear polos and qtr zips at work
I don't buy "golf shorts." I just buy regular shorts and wear them everywhere. The same goes for polos, most of the time. My dad did buy me an orange polo and a yellow one for a tourney we were in, so we would match... lol. I only wear those highlighters on the course. :ROFLMAO:
Pretty much wear my spring/fall golf wardrobe to the office on WFO days. In the summer I mostly wear golf clothes
99% of my stuff crosses over between golf and work. Especially with the shoe game getting more casual in the work place. I love wearing air max or dunks for golf and they seem to fit in more and more at work too.

And rocking a polo and pants (or 1/4 zip) everyday.
The only time I don't wear golf attire is when I'm in my work clothes. I've ruined many expensive polos before I finally caught on that I should just wear a cheap t-shirt to work.
Today in Spring office wear at FMewhyamistillpracticinglaw and Associates, it is Puma 5 pocket Dealer pants accessorized with a Puma braided weave belt, a Footjoy Polo from Dormie Club and a Cloudspun Stlth Camo jacket from Puma Golf's 2020 collection.
Your golf stuff? Are you a keep it separate type? Course only attire?

Do you specifically buy pants/polos/etc that work for life and work and golf. Are you the one in family pictures wearing a golf branded something?

Where else do you wear what you play in besides the course??
My normal everyday casual wear is my golf wear.

The only golf item I wear everyday is my THP ball cap.
I'm wear my "golf clothes" to work more often than to golf. I usually play golf in what most would consider gym clothes, though none have ever seen a gym, other than coaching.
I wear golf attire pretty much everywhere. I won't wear the pants around town though, but I will wear my golf shorts.