Where is Your Driver Impact?

Without a doubt, Toe for me.

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My typical miss is low center.
somewhere on the face

sometimes off the face
Low and on the heel side ...
I hit the toe side so often it is hard for me to say it is a miss. In all actually it is probably my regular strike pattern. That would make center of the face my my miss
Toe for me as well. Usually high.
either high or high toe for me
My entire golfing life I've missed low heel, but late this season I developed the ability to hit the extreme low toe on all my woods. Its fine, the face was fresh as a daisy out there.
High toe or high heel for me. High toe produces some bombs, high heel also produces bombs, just left of left bombs

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My miss is out on the toe, usually high.
Slightly toe side and jusssssssst above center.
So we are high, low, etc. Anyone have a description or chart as to why or what causes the miss hits? Just looking for a reason why and a solution for my low heel hit. thanks