Which Side Would You Choose?

Spaghetti and meatballs. The flavors would go way better especially with the crust.
Pulled pork side…I think 😆
Although I LOVE mac and cheese, think I'm going with spaghetti and meatballs on this one.
Spaghetti and Meatball side. The decision would have been much tougher if these were standalone meals and not on a pizza.
BBQ Please!
Spaghetti and meatball
Pulled Pork calling
John Cena Mind Blown GIF
Pulled pork mac and cheese for me.
Spaghetti side. May even top it with some extra Skyline chili
Pulled Pork Mac side easy
If I can get the pulled pork side with no BBQ sauce then I’m going with that side. If it’s already got the sauce then I’m going with the meatball side.
The BBQ for sure
Pulled pork for me.
If I could eat it... Give me the ...

Half Spaghetti Meatball Pizza
Pulled pork for me!
The spaghetti and meatball side; easy choice. I am iffy about pasta on the pizza but meatball pizza is amazing. I'm in.