Your Private Golf Club Name via Harry Arnett....

It's either Mixed Bouquet Alley or Rose Alley
Azalea Birch Pass.

Or the subdivision behind us through the woods is called The 9's.

So, Azalea Nines.
Japanese Maple Hills
ends with Bowl and you can guess the first part.:greenalien: (and even that's a technicality)

I don't buy plants or trees often.
Blue Spruce Country Club. But then it would be BSCC.

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Maple Walnut Grove. LOL
Crepe Myrtle Alley

(Downtown-ish Indy. Alleys and more houses was all I got until I was 9)
Mine was Rose Bush Apple Orchard. It came out pretty cool.
Ill give all of the credit to Harry Arnett per below. Whats your PRIVATE GOLF CLUB NAME? Your new private golf club is the name of name of the last plant/tree you bought and the land mass directly behind your childhood home.

Mine is: Burning Bush

Thanks @HarryArnettCG (btw, you need to modify your THP username :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Cactus Field
Radish Flats :oops:
Hicks Tuxedo

no real land mass behind it but Tuxedo Park is behind it.
Pink Dogwood Alley