Should tour golfers get paid if they miss the cut?


Par 3 Net Zero
Albatross 2024 Club
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Worthington, OH
I missed it but apparently Michael Breed made a statement on his show on Sirius last week advocating a minimal stipend for tour players to get something for expenses if they miss the cut. This has led to a bit of debate on his twitter account from what I have seen.

i personally think this is a great idea and allows players to perhaps feel a bit more security if they get their PGA Tour card. For example, the top 2 players on tour this year have each made more than 7 million dollars outside of endorsement money. The winner of the tour championship gets 10 million. On the flip side, Kyle Thompson played 22 events and made less than 25k this season. I think the money is there already on tour and could be distributed a bit more fairly cross the field. Even if the missed cut players only got a couple of grand, we are talking around the ball park of $250k to be paid to missed cut players. If you take that out of the purse money distributed to the players that made the cut, it would be a minimal loss from each of them. Tour winner already make more than 1 million for each event as it is.

Just curious on thoughts from others about this.
I missed it but apparently Michael Breed made a statement on his show on Sirius last week advocating a minimal stipend for tour players to get something for expenses if they miss the cut. This has led to a bit of debate on his twitter account from what I have seen.

i personally think this is a great idea and allows players to perhaps feel a bit more security if they get their PGA Tour card. For example, the top 2 players on tour this year have each made more than 7 million dollars outside of endorsement money. The winner of the tour championship gets 10 million. On the flip side, Kyle Thompson played 22 events and made less than 25k this season. I think the money is there already on tour and could be distributed a bit more fairly cross the field. Even if the missed cut players only got a couple of grand, we are talking around the ball park of $250k to be paid to missed cut players. If you take that out of the purse money distributed to the players that made the cut, it would be a minimal loss from each of them. Tour winner already make more than 1 million for each event as it is.

Just curious on thoughts from others about this.

It's a no.
Golf is unlike other sports, and that is a good thing.
Play harder and better, then you’ll get paid.
So for the amount of no's, why is a golfer's pay to be judged strictly on their performance but virtually every other sport or profession has a minimum salary or wage?

They are already earned their right to be there. Why should they risk losing money to participate in it?
No. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Every player starts the tournament on a level playing field.
So for the amount of no's, why is a golfer's pay to be judged strictly on their performance but virtually every other sport or profession has a minimum salary or wage?

They are already earned their right to be there. Why should they risk losing money to participate in it?

Why should they get paid for not performing?
So for the amount of no's, why is a golfer's pay to be judged strictly on their performance but virtually every other sport or profession has a minimum salary or wage?

They are already earned their right to be there. Why should they risk losing money to participate in it?

Professional Tour players are independent contractors. As such, they have advantages and privileges that football, basketball, baseball players do not have.
By the way. every player with a Tour card this year received a minimum of $1.5 million from endorsement deals and appearance fees.
Finally, Michael Breed struggles to break 80. He should not be pontificating about golf related subjects.
Why should they get paid for not performing?

Because they already paid their dues to earn their tour card via the, mini tours, etc to get to that point and they have to pay their own way to travel to the city of the tournament each week.

We aren't talking about making a large chunk of money here for every tournament, just enough to cover travel costs for the week.
Because they already paid their dues to earn their tour card via the, mini tours, etc to get to that point and they have to pay their own way to travel to the city of the tournament each week.

We aren't talking about making a large chunk of money here for every tournament, just enough to cover travel costs for the week.

That would be nice, but I’m not seeing that happen.
So for the amount of no's, why is a golfer's pay to be judged strictly on their performance but virtually every other sport or profession has a minimum salary or wage?

They are already earned their right to be there. Why should they risk losing money to participate in it?

It's easy for me to say it since I'm not the one who has to do it but I like the system the way it is. If anything I kind of wish it was harder. The mid to top guys make so much money they don't have to play very much, etc.
Professional Tour players are independent contractors. As such, they have advantages and privileges that football, basketball, baseball players do not have.
By the way. every player with a Tour card this year received a minimum of $1.5 million from endorsement deals and appearance fees.
Finally, Michael Breed struggles to break 80. He should not be pontificating about golf related subjects.

I'd love to see proof how everyone with a tour card makes 1.5 million in endorsements and appearance fees. There are more than 125 players on tour with various exemptions and the ones who come up from the trying to make a living who are essentially unknown and don't get big endorsements.

OK, I guess a handicap impacts everyone's ability to talk about the sport. I'll take my high handicap and be quiet.
I support the tour being more accessible in every way and I think this helps.

The pots keep getting crazier and crazier. I say as long as you don't WD, getting something for your time is exactly how it should be. It's not going to be much, and totally negligible to the top line.
It's easy for me to say it since I'm not the one who has to do it but I like the system the way it is. If anything I kind of wish it was harder. The mid to top guys make so much money they don't have to play very much, etc.

I think that is sort of where I'm thinking. The top guys make so much money now that they aren't motivated to do much. I don't think we'll ever have another golf as dominating as Tiger because so many golfers make so much money they don't have to be as dominating to be comfortable. On the flip side, the guys that are struggling to make a living will actually lose money each week because of the expenses they have.
No, you wanna get paid you gotta perform. No different than other jobs where performance determines compensation.

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I support the tour being more accessible in every way and I think this helps.

The pots keep getting crazier and crazier. I say as long as you don't WD, getting something for your time is exactly how it should be. It's not going to be much, and totally negligible to the top line.

How would paying every athlete make the tour more accessible? You get compensated for your airfare. Big deal. You can't make a living like that. If you can't make a living as a Pro Golfer, sorry mate, time to pack it up. Not only that, but you won't keep your card anyway.

No. Pro Athletes should not be getting more. Regardless of where they fall on the proficiency spectrum. So now we worry that a pro athlete is going to make a "living wage"? Nope. Can't handle the heat? Get out of the kitchen. The world is a harsh place.

Commissioned sales. No salary here in our 14 offices and 80+ sales staff. Most sales are that way.
Want a raise? Work harder.

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Matt Jones, who is ranked 150th on the Money List made $540K this year.

No, I dont think golfers who dont make the cut should be paid.

Ummm let's start with every service oriented business owner. You give poor performance, you tank. If I treat my patients poorly, they stop coming, doctors stop referring me patients, word gets around, my practice fails. Really?

Do you recommend restaurants with lousy food and lousy service?

You suck at your job, you don't make a living. What job isn't like that?
How would paying every athlete make the tour more accessible? You get compensated for your airfare. Big deal. You can't make a living like that. If you can't make a living as a Pro Golfer, sorry mate, time to pack it up. Not only that, but you won't keep your card anyway.

No. Pro Athletes should not be getting more. Regardless of where they fall on the proficiency spectrum.

What other professional sport with that kind of money flowing through it doesn't have a minimum player salary?

You get mad when guys in the NFL get paid to watch every game from the sideline, never sniffing the field?
I support the tour being more accessible in every way and I think this helps.

The pots keep getting crazier and crazier. I say as long as you don't WD, getting something for your time is exactly how it should be. It's not going to be much, and totally negligible to the top line.

WD and DQ should get nothing. Just enough to pay your expenses related to getting to the tournament and getting to your home or next location. If 75 players miss the cut and are given 2k, that is basically $150k that needs to be taken from the purse to distribute among players who missed the cut. For example, Brandt Snedeker made 1,080,000 for winning this week with a purse of 6,000,000. That is 18% of the purse. If Brandt needed to contribute 18% of the 150k to be distributed the other players, he would have lost 27k of his winnings and still would have a take home of 1,027,000 for the week.

70th place made 12k. That is .2% of the total purse and would have lost $300 towards the players that didn't make the cut and there is still a hug advantage/reward for performing well enough to make the cut.
Ummm let's start with every service oriented business owner. You give poor performance, you tank. If I treat my patients poorly, they stop coming, doctors stop referring me patients, word gets around, my practice fails. Really?

You suck at your job, you don't make a living. What job isn't like that?

You seem pretty angry in your responses. That's okay though. :)

If you're a doctor and you do a crap job with a patient, they probably won't return, but you still get compensated for their visit (comparison would be tour card, and sucking = no tour card).
What other professional sport with that kind of money flowing through it doesn't have a minimum player salary?

You get mad when guys in the NFL get paid to watch every game from the sideline, never sniffing the field?

Which is disgusting to me. Everything is wrong with how pro athletes are compensated all around. If golfers want that security they should strap on the shoulder pads and play in the NFL. And that benchwarmers won't be employed for long if he put on the field and sucks.

They know exactly what they have to do to make a living.