What hand do you write with vs What way do you swing your club?

I am right-handed. I can barely clip my fingernails with my left hand!
Right handed. It is ugly if I try left at anything.
I play lefty, but I do everything else with my right hand
Left hand for everything. When I try to do something right handed, it looks like I must have hopped off the short bus....
Throw and write left handed, everything else is right handed. Golf righty, Right foot is dominant, Right Eye is dominant, held a hockey stick right handed.
Do everything, throw, write, etc., right handed, but I bat and play golf left handed. Sucks for me when I used to get junior clubs. There were about none that were available.
Write Right handed, play golf right handed. Play hockey left handed.

First year I played golf left handed, then switched to right handed. I putted left handed for 2 years after that though. Yeah I am strange.

Tappin to the oldies
I write right handed and eat with a fork right handed, but I golf, bowl, throw a ball and shoot hoops left handed. I was a true righty early in life, then my father converted me to the left side.
I write right handed. Throw right handed (when I could throw).

I've always batted lefty and played golf lefty.
Write left handed kick with my left foot predominately (soccer) but all hand sports tennis, pool, golf etc im right handed. also play the guitar right handed but can use scissors in either hand!
I write, kick, and throw righty but play hockey and golf lefty.

Tap tap taparoo
I'm a righty and for some odd reason can shoot a rifle lefty/righty and play pool lefty but only lefty.
I am right handed in everything except for Hockey, hockey I am left handed. Which people find weird.

Dent, I am the same way. Strange huh. I write right handed, bat right handed, swing a golf club right handed, but with the hockey stick, I am lefty.
I'm right handed but play golf left handed. baseball I would switch hit. hockey was all left.
I write, eat, and do anything very intricate lefty, but all sports I play righty. Baseball I was a switch-hitter, my power side was right though.
Righty, righty.

My son writes left-handed and kicks a football with his left leg but does everthing else righty.
I am left handed, but grew up golfing right handed, softball swing is right handed, dominant kicking leg (soccer of course) is right foot, but I skateboarded as a kid "goofey footed" or Left foot in back.

So, I'm a bit weird.
Right handed for both
i'm right handed but golf/bat lefty.. apparently my father originally tried to teach me to bat righty but i was always more comfortable lefty... i tried again when i got a little older so i could switch hit but it never felt right.
I play all sports that are one handed with my left hand - tennis, squash, badminton, snooker, pool etc. I write with my left hand and am very left footed.

However if I need two hands to hold the club/bat etc I play "right handed".

I actually think think this is the correct way for a left handed person as the left hand controls the club and generates most of the power. Or maybe I'm just odd ;)

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