cortege \kawr-TEZH\
1. A procession, especially a ceremonial one.
2. A line or train of attendants; retinue.
   [adj., n. ahr-tik-yuh-lit; v. ahr-tik-yuh-leyt]
1.uttered clearly in distinct syllables.
2.capable of speech; not speechless.
3.using language easily and fluently; having facility with words: an articulate speaker.
4.expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness: an articulate thought.
5.made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts: an articulate form; an articulate shape; an articulate area.
cleave \kleev\
1. To adhere closely; stick; cling.
2. To remain faithful.
3. To split or divide by or as if by a cutting blow, especially along a natural line of division, as the grain of wood.
4. To make by or as if by cutting.
5. To penetrate or pass through (air, water, etc.).
6. To cut off; sever.
7. To part or split, especially along a natural line of division.
8. To penetrate or advance by or as if by cutting.
veriest \VER-ee-ist\
1. Utmost; most complete.
2. Superlative of very.
abrade \uh-BREYD\
1. To scrape off.
2. To wear off or down by scraping or rubbing.
something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, especially a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time: The sword is an anachronism in modern warfare.
an error in chronology in which a person, object, event, etc., is assigned a date or period other than the correct one: To assign Michelangelo to the 14th century is an anachronism.
procellous \proh-SEL-uhs\
Stormy, as the sea.
gangrel \GANG-gruhl\
1. A lanky, loose-jointed person.
2. A wandering beggar; vagabond; vagrant.
ectype \EK-tahyp\
A reproduction; copy.
lucent \LOO-suhnt\
1. Shining.
2. Translucent; clear.
brogue \brohg\
1. Any strong regional accent.
2. An Irish accent in the pronunciation of English.
3. A durable, comfortable, low-heeled shoe, often having decorative perforations and a wing tip.
4. A coarse, usually untanned leather shoe once worn in Ireland and Scotland.
5. Brogan.
6. A fraud; trick; prank.
the quality, state, or art of clarity in thought and style. — lucidness, n. — lucid, adj.
calvous \KAL-vuhs\
Lacking all or most of the hair on the head; bald.
swaddle \SWOD-l\
1. To bind an infant with long, narrow strips of cloth to prevent free movement.
2. To wrap (anything) round with bandages.
1. A long, narrow strip of cloth used for swaddling or bandaging.
canticle \KAN-ti-kuhl\
1. A song, poem, or hymn especially of praise.
2. One of the nonmetrical hymns or chants, chiefly from the Bible, used in church services.
hiemal \HAHY-uh-muhl\
Of or pertaining to winter; wintry.
solatium \soh-LEY-shee-uhm\
1. Something given in compensation for inconvenience, loss or injury.
2. Law. Damages awarded to a plaintiff as compensation for personal suffering or grief arising from an injury.
  1. friv·o·lous
    adjective /ˈfrivələs/ 

    1. Not having any serious purpose or value
      • - rules to stop frivolous lawsuits
    2. (of a person) Carefree and not serious
adventive \ad-VEN-tiv\
1. Not native and usually not yet well established, as exotic plants or animals.

1. A not native and usually not yet well established plant or animal.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="vagina pronunciation" /></a> /vəˈdʒaɪ
nə/ Show Spelled[vuh-jahy-nuh]
noun, plural -nas, -nae

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="vagina pronunciation" /></a> /-ni/ Show Spelled1. Anatomy, Zoology . a. the passage leading from the uterus to the vulva in certain female mammals. Compare oviduct.

b. a sheathlike part or organ.

2. Botany . the sheath formed by the basal part of certain leaves where they embra
in·ter·course [in-ter-kawrs, -kohrs]

1.dealings or communication between individuals, groups,countries, etc.

2.interchange of thoughts, feelings, etc.

fusty \FUHS-tee\
1. Having a stale smell; moldy; musty.
2. Old-fashioned or out-of-date, as architecture, furnishings, or the like.
3. Stubbornly conservative or old-fashioned; fogyish.
interpolation \in-tur-puh-LEY-shuhn\
1. The act or process of introducing something additional or extraneous between other parts.
2. Something interpolated, as a passage introduced into a text.
3. Mathematics. A. The process of determining the value of a function between two points at which it has prescribed values. B. A similar process using more than two points at which the function has prescribed values. C. The process of approximating a given function by using its values at a discrete set of points.
Yup, thats what I thought it meant.
in·ter·course [in-ter-kawrs, -kohrs]

1.dealings or communication between individuals, groups,countries, etc.

2.interchange of thoughts, feelings, etc.
