I THP ... way too often! But frankly, it is a nice break from my crazy days. I always start with the new post-button-new tab-view first unread-recycle bit, then check my subscribed threads and if I have time, check older posts if anyone asked a question.
When I havent been on the site for a few hours, I generally look at my last posts and see if there were any responses to them. Then go to the main page and look at the new hot topics if there are any. Always check the marketplace too.


and I keep the site open on my laptop during tourneys. Those are some of my favorite threads, as some of the technical stuff goes over my head.
I just spend hours and hours surfing through so many topics that my eyes begin to cross. :bulgy-eyes:
I am loving the different ways people go at it. I like to have a plan but most of the time I just end up surfing through whatever seems intersting in the new posts. Too often I judge a thread by its title and miss some good stuff.
For me it's hitting up the 'New Post' tab, unless I'm searching for something specific to look at.
I like the new post button to see all the new stuff going on and then I have a few favorite threads that I frequent. If I like a certain brand of equipment, I like to keep an eye on it for stuff I may have missed.
When I get my chores done after work, I start with the contests, then go to golf, then clubs balls accessories then the banter and rant threads and read all the ones that I am interested in that day and reply as the mood hits me. Then if I have time I browse the other forums.

Usually on non work nights I stay up later and read and post a bit more.
New posts first and then on to the homepage. Surf around there and then come back to my PM's. After that I go on my iPad and check the threads that I have participated in to see where I left off reading.

Tappin' dat pad on tapatalk
I use the New Posts.

While at work, Tapatalk does wonders with categorizing threads that ive posted in.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II using Tapatalk 2
I use the New Posts button, check the threads I'm interested in, log off. Log on an hour later and start over If there is nothing good on the TV, this can go one for hours.:act-up:
Pretty poorly. I mainly go by New Posts. Lots of times I am way behind and I respond to things that have already run their course.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
Pretty poorly. I mainly go by New Posts. Lots of times I am way behind and I respond to things that have already run their course.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

I do that too!
New Post Refresh all day long.

You Are CRAZY.
Yes, I am!

But as I said, if I am pressed for time I will skip pages if needed.
all i really do is just go to the forums that interest me and look through threads to see what cool/ interesting things i can find, then if i cant find what im looking for i simply make a thread asking a question.
THP is a ton of work. It really is! So much information. So much to process. But it's all fun.

It's so tough to sift through THP on those occasional days where you can't make it on for like 8 straight hours. Takes a lot of dedication.
Mash the newest button until I get to the point where these posts have not been updated since your last visit.
I just stalk Yoccos like I'm TMZ on Lindsay Lohan. (kidding).

I check in with New Posts as my first order of priority. Then I might check in on my own recent posts to see if anyone has answered or any conversations have developed. I'm not a frequent poster, although I'm lurking/reading daily.

I find the search function next to useless. So alot of times I go in to Google and type in what I'm looking for and include "Hackers Paradise" in the search, as an easy way to get to the archive here which is a wealth of information.
Here lately? With as much patience and biting of the tongue as humanly possible.

New posts on the laptop. New posts/subscribed threads from the iPhone.

Wandering the earth like Kane from Kung Fu, Tapatalking on an iPhone.
one handed you can tell by my splelling and gramour. ha ha ha. I usualy check the latest threads then ones i have posted in to look for response
New Posts. It brings up every thread that has been posted in.

That's how I do it too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I usually just check the first page of the forums I'm interested in.
I'm so random on things, I've never been real good at message boards so I miss stuff all the time. I'm going to try using the new posts as several have mentioned and see if that helps. Though I've done that before from time to time, I generally have just haphazardly clicked through and read what interested me.
I keep quite a few threads "subscribed" because I like the topic and it makes it quick to see if someone's posted in them (a short list so to speak). Then New Posts button from there. I know the Mods have told us there's a method to their madness on where a thread resides but sometimes I can't remember whether it's in Golf or Balls, Clubs, & Equipment etc.