Gap between drivers and irons very big


May 17, 2012
Reaction score
I hit my driver about 265 yards on average. I am only able to hit my 5 iron about 165 yards. I notice that I can outdrive a lot of people I play with, yet they always are hitting at least 1 club or most of the time 2 or 3 clubs less than me on par 3s.
Why might this be?
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edit: sry.
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I dont think you guys get what he is saying...

He is saying he can hit his driver a good ways, and outdrive a lot of folks, BUT on the other hand he isnt hitting his irons long at all.

Im the opposite of you jayhawk...Im not long with the driver but I can hit my irons a good ways.
Ask the Pro sections guys.
Ask the pro section fellas!!
I do have a 3 wood and a 3 hybrid. I hit the 3 wood (14 degrees) about 240 yards off the ground and I hit my 3 hybrid (18 degrees) about 215 off the ground. I would think that if I can hit my woods and driver as far as I do my 5 iron should not go 160 yards.
You may be flipping with your irons, increasing the loft, not really compressing the ball. This would lead to not getting enough yards. Your swing speed might be enough that you are getting away with it with your driver / woods.
Get an Orange Whip or SKLZ Gold Flex. Should fix the flipping issue and swing overall. Never believed in or bought a swing aid until these came out. Best purchase in a long time.

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Still Ask the Pro section guys. Please keep it clean until GolfTEC has come in and responded.
Still Ask the Pro section guys. Please keep it clean until GolfTEC has come in and responded.

Don't know what the big deal is? I'm pretty sure the OP can tell the 'pro' advice from his/her avatar or logo. So, until they chime in, I don't see the harm? If you're supposed to hold off on any advice in these threads, unless you're a 'pro', then I'll respect it.
Sorry JB. I keep forgetting to check what section I'm in when replying.

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Sorry for the delay- saw all the responses and figured this was already covered; I guess I need to look closer next time.

The most basic answer would be angle of attack. If you are scooping/flipping, an "up swing" with a driver is not necessarily a bad thing, but as you move into the irons, it can result in less than ideal launch angles and spin rates, robbing you of distance. I'm guessing you don't take much of a divot and if you do, it's on the wrong side of the ball?

If that's the case, I like to play a little game called "just the tip." Bury a tee on the target side of the ball so just the tip is above the ground. With an iron, your goal is to take out that lead tee, thus promoting a downward angle of attack into the ball.

Hope that helps,

Trevor Broesamle, PGA
GolfTEC Santa Barbara, CA