Scrap Iron

On The Eh Team
Nov 11, 2011
Reaction score
Hero Shots
I watched as much coverage of The Morgan Cup as I could and I know it's not just shooting video there is so much of what each of you guys did that us forum members don't know about so for all your hard work and great execution of everything I have seen and read about I think the whole forum feel the same way when I say Thank You. You guys are termedous. Everyone here appreciates what you all have done.
The guys and gals that came down to MB to help out are amazing. You gotta realize, Myrtle Beach isn't exactly the easier or cheapest place to get to in the country. They had to really be committed to do this and they all did it and did AMAZING. No way enough positive things can be said about those people.....I truly thank them with all my heart.
The guys and gals that came down to MB to help out are amazing. You gotta realize, Myrtle Beach isn't exactly the easier or cheapest place to get to in the country. They had to really be committed to do this and they all did it and did AMAZING. No way enough positive things can be said about those people.....I truly thank them with all my heart.
Totally agree Jake, the voluteers that went down along with GG and JB are what made this event what it is.
What they said! ^^^^^^

Volunteers killed it and none of what you saw the last few days or what you have yet to see from Media Day would be possible without all of their tireless work!!
Volunteers are often said to be the backbone of an event.

I think in this case, that was especially the case.

Thank you to all of you. You went beyond the call and did a phenomenal job!
A great thank you for sure. Everyone who had a hand in it, not just the players, but the volunteers and everyone helping out the forum deserve a standing ovation. It is truly a unique amateur golf event and deserve even more support in 2013!!!