So you've been struggling with the putter? Only one answer. Get a SeeMore. It'll bring you right back to the fundamentals and you'll have never putted so good! But of course you already know what are you waiting for!?
Any chance I can drag you down to Oregon this weekend? Teeth and OG and I are playing. I figured you're probably pretty tired and the wife probably wants you around but I had to ask!!
Really looking forward to following your progress man. Seriously, I have no doubt you'll be scratch before you know it. I hope we get a round in together some day!
LOL @ work today we were talking about the % of asian people in the PNW and how in NC theres only like 1% but up here there are a ton (the guys I work with are basically all asian). One of them made a comment about how Vancouver BC has like the most anywhere, looked it up, sure enough, you live with 50% asian people. Congrats!
Passports are for people within the law. Obviously this does not apply to you sir. Cross the pond! Wish we were all able to get together for a round of golf, would have been good times