lily-livered \LIL-ee-LIV-erd\

Weak or lacking in courage; cowardly; pusillanimous.
beatitude \bee-AT-i-tood\

1. Supreme blessedness; exalted happiness.
2. Any of the declarations of blessedness pronounced by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
splendiferous \splen-DIF-er-uhs\

Magnificent; fine.
siesta /siˈɛs tə/ [see-es-tuh]

a midday or afternoon rest or nap, especially as taken in Spain and Latin America.
climacteric \klahy-mak-TER-ik\

1. A critical period.
2. Physiology: a period of decrease of reproductive capacity in men and women, culminating, in women, in the menopause.
3. A year in which important changes in health, fortune, etc., are held by some theories to occur, as one's sixty-third year
4. The period of maximum respiration in a fruit, during which it becomes fully ripened.
franchise \FRAN-chahyz\

1. The right to vote.
2. A privilege of a public nature conferred on an individual,group, or company by a government.
glean \GLEEN\

1. To learn, discover, or find out, usually little by little or slowly.
2. To gather (grain or the like) after the reapers or regular gatherers.
3. To gather slowly and laboriously, bit by bit.
quid \KWID\

1. A piece of something to be chewed but not swallowed.
2. One pound sterling.
cahoots \kuh-HOOT\

In partnership; in league.
armistice \AHR-muh-stis\

A temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties.
troth \TRAWTH\

1. Faithfulness, fidelity, or loyalty.
2. One's word or promise, especially in engaging oneself to marry.
disbosom \dis-BOOZ-uhm\

To reveal; confess.
pigeonhole \PIJ-uhn-hohl\

1. To lay aside for use or reference at some later, indefinite time.

1. One of a series of small, open compartments, as in a desk,cabinet, or the like, used for filing or sorting papers, letters,etc.
2. In printing, white space created by setting words or lines too far apart.
dovetail \DUHV-teyl\

1. To join or fit together compactly or harmoniously.
2. In carpentry, a joint formed of one or more such tenons fitting tightlywithin corresponding mortises.
3. To join or fit together by means of a carpentry dovetail or dovetails.

1. In carpentry, a tenon broader at its end than at its base; pin.
bird-dog \BURD-dawg\

1. To follow, watch carefully, or investigate.
2. In slang, to steal or attempt to steal another person's date.

1. One of various breeds of dogs trained to hunt or retrieve birds.
2. A person hired to locate special items or people, especially a talent scout who seeks out promising athletes.
dog-ear \DAWG-eer\

1. To fold down the corner of a page in a book.

1. (In a book) a corner of a page folded over like a dog's ear, as by careless use, or to mark a place.
2. In architecture, another term for a crossette.
ogle \OH-guhl\

1. To look at amorously, flirtatiously, or impertinently.
2. To eye; look or stare at.
fob \FOB\

1. A short chain, usually with a medallion or similar ornament, worn hanging from a pocket.
2. A small pocket just below the waistline in trousers for a watch, keys, change, etc.

1. To cheat someone by substituting something spurious or inferior.
2. To put (someone) off by deception or trickery.
agape \ah-GAH-pey\

1. Unselfish love of one person for another without sexual implications.
2. The love of Christians for other persons, corresponding to the love of God for humankind.
The word of today is TURKEY!
balsamaceous \bawl-suh-MEY-shuhs\

Possessing healing or restorative qualities.
amygdaliform \uh-MIG-duh-luh-fawrm\

Shaped like an almond.
shankapotamus-----> Myself and many other hackers
fainaigue \fuh-NEYG\

1. To shirk; evade work or responsibility.
2. To renege at cards.