March THP Newsletter - Giveaways, Forum Testing, Apparel & More

Just read the newsletter... Great stuff everyone, good job.
I can't wait to get home and read the news letter. You guys are killing me, throwing out some great sounding things in that letter.
Loved this months newsletter. Great info and some awesome contests coming up!
Great read! Compelling and rich.
The newsletter was great. The giveaways are going to generate a lot of interest, as will a pretty unique testing opportunity. Awesome stuff. Love this place.
Love me some THP Newsletter!!
Definitely some exciting things coming to THP! It gets greater every day! Some great testing opportunities coming up.
It is hard to keep track of all the awesomeness that is THP right now. This one is packed with good stuff.
My head is still spinning after reading about all that is on the horizion. Glad everyone had a blast at the 1st Invitational and the contests and testing opportunities are absolutely awesome, well done THP.
Excellent newsletter.

I'm really interested in the Puma shoe testing. I've been looking at Puma golf shoes for a while but don't know what to make of them. This will be very good to read.

The contests/giveaways are just ridiculous. I just wonder if the winner of the LE Green AMP will actually game it -- I'm not sure that I could.

If I did I would probably mess up. I guess that popup mark would just make it more rare.

Great newsletter as usual GG.
wow this news letter was fantastic, can't wait to see how this all plays out!
Sorry, I was hoping to send it out this morning but I was waiting on one more thing.

Ha ha no need to apologise, I was just referring to the time difference, but I have got it so I have had a quick scan of it in my mobile
Nothing beats the THP Newsletter for e-mail. Always full of exciting information. Can't wait to see the contest to get "Paradise-ier" as well as the LE Masters Green AMP!
Love the newsletter
Just had a proper read of the newsletter....and I can't wait for the threads that relate to each of the events coming up

Taylormade bag - that would be just class to rock up at your course with that bag

Puma shoes - always walk when I play so would love a chance to give something like these a try

Cobra driver - loving the green to go with the Masters

AUR golf - never heard of them so will be interested to take a look at their website

Yet another great newsletter, thanks to GG for the work that goes into it
I just deleted the newsletter (from the Trash too) and then a thought hit me. DO I have to hit a certain tab on the newsletter to sign-up for the giveaway/testing? Or is that gonna show up on the site?
What a pleasant surprise! Thank you GG ...lots of fun things coming down the pike...
I just deleted the newsletter (from the Trash too) and then a thought hit me. DO I have to hit a certain tab on the newsletter to sign-up for the giveaway/testing? Or is that gonna show up on the site?

The newsletter is a preview of what's to come. Signups will be separate threads on the forum.
Thank you for putting this together. Very nice!
Loved the newsletter as always Morgan. So much cool stuff coming down the pike, almost seems like Christmas again.
Nice Texas recap. Team THP will win the war!

The Hackers Paradise-ier bag will be the Angry Mod-iers!

Looking forward to the Cobra testing. Hopefully winter will be finished when that time comes.

The entire forum is already hyped up about the event with the Zoo Crew, I hope to be a part of it!

Loved hitting the Amp Cell driver. In fact, my brother in law is in the middle of trying to decide which color he is going to get. This would look nice in my bag.

My wife is looking forward to the full review of the AUR wear.
Great read and as a walker and Puma fan I can't wait for the signup for the Puma shoe testing. Should be a different and unique testing!
Great newsletter. Lots of cool stuff to come. I'll be looking forward to the Staff Bag and Amp Cell Limited Driver Giveaway. I think the Puma testing will be interesting to follow to see the new and creative ways people will come up with the test the shoes.
After teaching 11-14 year olds family life today, reading this was buy far the highlight of my day.