I try to clean mine after every time they have been used, whether that is the range or the course...

Same for me. Generally, the clubhead/grooves aren't bad, since I give them a quick towel after each shot. I do notice the improvement in the tackiness of my grips, though, after wiping them down, especially if I use something like a terrycloth to dry them off.
I know...I feel shame in showing that. Last 2 rounds have been very quick rounds (which I love) so it's get out of cart, hit ball, put club back in, go putt, off to next tee. This weekend they will get a good bath and look brand new again. Promise!
Man, I've said it a few times, but the Rule Golf towel I have is a mainstay for me. I could clean that sucker in less than a minute. Better yet, a quick swipe between shots and it would stay fresh.
I also read somewhere probably here that Windex works for shining up the clubs and it works great.
I don't clean mine enough...I don't play as much as I want to either though. However last week I had a HORRIBLE round. I went home and scrubbed all the bad shots off them them. The next day I shot 21 strokes better. I think I need to wash them more often.
Pretty much clean mine after every shot. At the very least make sure the grooves are clean. Quick wipe down if necessary. Full cleaning every month or so. I've found that full cleanings are pretty easy if you take the time to not let stuff build up.
I usually make sure they are clean before a round, and I wipe them with a towel after a shot (or if one of those club washer thingies is available, I use that). When I clean them I usually just use warm water and something narrow/pointy to scrape out the grooves (sometimes just my fingernail!). I clean the grips pretty infrequently, only once I notice slippage, and then I just use warm water and a little dish soap.
i wipe down my irons/wedges after every shot using the clubglove/players waffle weave towel. i find that the waffle weave helps get into the grooves, and it actually cleans the grooves quite well as long as its a little damp. a quick wipedown after each shot is a whole lot easier than trying to scrub off dried/caked on dirt the next day or even later after your round! woods/putters/etc will just get a damp towel wipedown to clean up.
I am anal about cleaning my clubs and try to clean them between each and every round. I have been to a few golf course ranges that had a club washer and thought to myself that it would be nice to have one of these at the house so I searched the internet and found them to be VERY expensive, the cheapest one I could find was like $60 plus shipping. After looking at them I thought I could make one myself for much cheaper. After some experimenting with what kind of brush/broom would work best, I found some boot cleaning brushes at uline.com for $26 and I already had a 4 gallon square bucket laying around the house. After getting the brushes they were just a hair too big for the bucket so I just trimmed the edges down with a reciprocating saw and used self tapping screws to hold it all together and this it what I have.


Now, I don't know how these brushes would effect a chrome finish that you see on some irons but on my Ping's and everything else it doesn't seem to effect the finish at all and makes cleaning my clubs a breeze now!!! I can get every club in there except for my driver. The other thing I like about the brushes are that they are tapered on one end so there is like an inverted "Y" you put your clubs into with a good scrubbing surface. All I added to the bucket was water, all purpose cleaner and an ounce of bleach so bacteria would grow in the water. I just have this sitting in my garage ready to clean whenever I need it!!!
I clean my clubs usually after every use. Whether it be range or playing. Sometimes I slack and make it two uses. I also clean the balls I use/find and determine whether or not they are gamable or shag bag balls. I use a bucket with hot water and dish soap for the wedges and irons. For the woods and putter I use Crystal Glass cleaner and a microfiber towel.

I almost feel bad for posting this but I keep my frogger towel wet and wipe them on the course when they get full of sand or other muck in the grooves. Other than that I don't clean them.
I almost feel bad for posting this but I keep my frogger towel wet and wipe them on the course when they get full of sand or other muck in the grooves. Other than that I don't clean them.

I'm too OCD not to clean them lol.
best way to clean the grips?
The four hour soak

30 minute....ha!! Here is the wedge in the earlier picture...as clean as I can get it. That's not dirt in the center, it's ball contact wear. Maybe time to update my wedges??

I try to clean my clubs after every use whether playing or at the range. I scrub the grips about every other cleaning. I use simple green to clean them with and my wife doesn't mind me using the kitchen sink.
I clean after each use. Soak in the sink, very hot water with Tide. Don't clean the grips very often.
I clean after each use. Soak in the sink, very hot water with Tide. Don't clean the grips very often.

Tide? May I ask why? Seems excessive
This thread makes me want to clean mine for tomorrow. But then I remembered I'm too lazy.

Just a wipe after shot and tee to the grooves before the shot if need be. That is my cleaning.
usually once before every round. grips once every 4 or 5 rounds..