Its Official Nickent Is Closed


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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THP is bringing it to you first as usual and we will have an interview with an insider over the next two weeks for inside details. The bank has decided that it would rather close the doors and work on selling the name rather than keep it open. Selling it in pieces as liquidation rather than as a company makes more sense to them. We have just received phone calls from 2 people to confirm this. However do not think that there won't be Nickent clubs in 2010. We are hearing that the name and patents will sell relatively quickly now they expect that you will see the brand or clubs before 2010 is over.

I want to personally thank Hoefy and all of our great friends like Jeff at Nickent for the work they have done with THP. We have been able to get to know them over the last year and they are truly great people. Obviously with the resume that Hoefy has (DCI, RAC, 845s, etc...) it will not be hard to land or start from scratch. However there are lots of great people there that hopefully will land on their feet. The writing has been on the wall for sometime and they gave it a hard fight, but in the end, it was the bank that was not going to let this happen. Hopefully some of these great people started looking previously.

More great companies close each and every year. I have said all along that it takes more than great products to sell equipment and both Sonartec and Nickent are living proof of that. The 4DX Pro irons in my mind are some of the best that came out in 2009 and if they had marketing money, it might have been different. But that is the way this crazy golf world works.

The offices are still technically open next week as they will have a shell group in their for packaging, shipping, etc... but the company as we have grown to know it is no longer. If you are looking for some fine equipment, here is another brand you will be able to pick up relatively cheap soon. If you have any questions, ask away. We can still get our answers and include your questions in the interview if you would like.

Thank you Nickent for all that you have done for the members of THP. From the multiple giveaways, to sponsoring the grand prize in our CHARITY RAFFLE earlier in the year. You will be missed by many on THP and we want to say good luck in future endeavors. You will see this news all over the web in the next few days. Cut and paste jobs on every forum. Just remember that people are out of work and there is more to the story than just not selling clubs.
Can't say I'm surprised, but it still sucks.

Too bad someone didn't pick them up.
So, can a buyer expect some obscene "clearance sales" on this product line in the near future?
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There have been 3 groups trying over the last 2 months. In fact one group made up of some close friends of mine and they were turned down. With the debt, it is just worth more in pieces. The CYG is a nice patent and will fetch a pretty penny.
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A shame, but not a huge surprise.
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You will see this news all over the web in the next few days. Cut and paste jobs on every forum. Just remember that people are out of work and there is more to the story than just not selling clubs.
That's too bad. I really like mine.
There have been 3 groups trying over the last 2 months. In fact one group made up of some close friends of mine and they were turned down. With the debt, it is just worth more in pieces. The CYG is a nice patent and will fetch a pretty penny.

Pretty shortsighted by the bank maybe it's the right call monetarily but there are real people that work there that pay mortgages, auto loans, credit cards bills etc. So is the bank really going to make out I doubt it in the long run. Granted they all are debtors of the companies bank but the banking community in general is. Sometimes you have to do what is right in the long run not just what makes sense in dollars and cents. Just my two cents
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Im sorry to hear this. I know first hand what its like to be out of work and its not fun. I hope everyone that was Nickent Golf is well and good luck!
I too hate to hear of anyone losing their job. I am really shocked that more people didn't get to hit Nickent clubs over the years. The marketing is what hurt them b/c from what I've seen and heard the clubs were outstanding pieces of equipment.
This is very sad news to us. In a way without Nickent THP wouldn't be where we are today. They were one of the first companies to really give us a chance when we were just starting out. To the people that have lost their jobs and we wish them the best. Nickent will always hold a special place in our hearts.
And they flat out made clubs that worked.

Even on other sites, there is much love for the Arc wedges and the Evolver driver.
I was the lucky person who won the grand prize irons in the raffle, as well as the Evolver driver. Nickent made great equipment. Wish it had taken off. Don't forget, SeeMore went away for a while too.
And they flat out made clubs that worked.

Even on other sites, there is much love for the Arc wedges and the Evolver driver.

And that is not even mentioning the hybrids which is what they are known for.

I was the lucky person who won the grand prize irons in the raffle, as well as the Evolver driver. Nickent made great equipment. Wish it had taken off. Don't forget, SeeMore went away for a while too.

You got that right Smalls.
Not surprising, but its still a shame.
Im not surprised that the bank decided just to shut them down and sell off the pieces to the highest bidder. Banks are losing money and its not at all uncommon for them to just want their money, even if its not as much as it could be.
Its happening all over in real estate. Banks are willing to foreclose and short sell a house because some money is better than none.
Hopefully at least some of Nickent's designs will live on in other brands of clubs, because it seems like Nickent had a very loyal following.
Its already started. Our news is popping up on every forum. Funny how so many people lurk to steal...hehe

Everybody wants their 15 minutes I guess....I kid because I care (sort of)

One of these days I am going to make up news so we can watch all these clowns report it without checking facts.
That is too bad, they really won me over with the 4DX Pro Irons and Arc Wedges.

JB, sadly that is the nature of the internet. Heck, people do it here but we try to make sure people always give credit to the source.
I am sorry to all of those who are now out of work and have to find new gigs in this economy. I will say that I read stories all of the time of people who lose their job or business and succeed in a much bigger way because of it.

I better buy some wedges and hybrids before it is to late. I really started to love their products.
Sorry to here this news about Nickent. Nothing but goods things to say about the people I dealt with in their company. Good luck to those in finding new work.
I went to their website this morning and received the following message:
"This Account Has Been Suspended"
"Please contact the billing department at [email protected]

It saddens me to see any business fail because there are human beings behind the bricks and mortar.

That is the old url with the dot com extension.* Nickent's website is still up here:
Nickent Golf Official Website

*Rumor has it that the url was registered in the former CEO's name and when he left several months ago, he refused to cooperate with the transfer of the ownership of the domain name. So Nickent moved its site to the dot net extension while they tried to reacquire the dot com url.

Of course, that's all moot now.

EDIT: I are slow.
This would explain why when I bought an ARC wedge about a month ago I couldnt get a reply to an email even though I sent several and had a hard time reaching them via phone....I wouldnt have been so annoyed if I knew they were struggling.

Good luck to everyone that worked there.
You should have posted the question here. They checked our forum twice a week to answer questions from consumers. No problems now though. We will continue to work on having companies here to communicate directly with consumers.