This Avatar movie....


Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
Texas, MD
is all over the place. I'm not sure what to think of it yet. I heard it was ten years in the making. What is everyones thoughts on it? Kinda looks dumb to me but who knows maybe its epic. Looks like smurfs on roids.
It is supposed to change how film making is done. They apparently had to invent special cameras for it. I am not yet sure what to make of it but was told that it is amazing to see in the Imax theatre with the special glasses.
The TV trailer isn't as good as the theater trailer. I thought the same thing but saw a movie last weekend and saw the extended trailer and I was intrigued. I don't normally get into those types of sci-fi movies, but that one looked different. No way I would see it in a theater, but it might make a good rental.

Yahoo has a ton of movie trailers, see if you can find the extended version there if you haven't seen it. It gets into the story a little more.
I did hear that about the glasses and IMAX theater. Cameron wants everyone to have a different outlook on using the glasses. Guess we'll see soon enough when it opens.
I prefer Pixar for my cartoons.
lol :laughing: Cars sucked though... they haven't done a good movie since Toy Story!

Wall-E was brilliant.

I'm just sick of movies with all CGI, no substance. I know CGI effects have gotten pretty good, but it still takes me out of the moment to go from live action to animation. I can tell the difference almost immediately and it just ruins it for me. That's why The Matrix was excellent, but then the sequels sucked. WAY too much animation.
Is this movie based on an anime or graphic novel? I thought it was, but my geeky nephew says no. He told me it cost $600,000,000 to make.

Avatar looks rather crappy to me. Will rent it but won't waste the $$ for the theater.

As far as Wall-E & all the other Pixar type movies, both my wife & I are tired of them. Far too many coming out & they all end up looking the same.
It looks to me like the most expensive piece of crap ever made. It might finally take down Water World, which I liked in some weird way. The commercial does nothing for me.
The blue people just look strange. Kind of looks like Terminator meets Smurfs. Which is fitting since its Cameron.

Pixar needs to lay off the soap box messages. I think all their movies have been lame since the Toy Story movies. They all preach and preach forgetting while the movie ends up sucking! Again, Cars, was the perfect example of this suckage. Sure it looks great but it was a total sleeper zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
It looks to me like the most expensive piece of crap ever made. It might finally take down Water World, which I liked in some weird way. The commercial does nothing for me.

I may be one of 3 people in the country who like Water World, I think it's a great movie.
I may be one of 3 people in the country who like Water World, I think it's a great movie.

Do the three of you have a Water World convention every year?:act-up:

Thats one of those movies I will watch but wonder how they spent so much money on it.
I may be one of 3 people in the country who like Water World, I think it's a great movie.

We could start a Cheeseland Water World society. I like it too. Not saying great, but I like the premise. I just a read a science fiction novel called The Flood by Stephen Baxter. The mantle of the Earth starts releasing water and sea levels rise over a mile by the end. I think that's what happened in Water World. :D

As often as I change my avatar here, if you get to a post of mine and keep refreshing, it might look like an avatar movie.
As often as I change my avatar here, if you get to a post of mine and keep refreshing, it might look like an avatar movie.

I get to know the avatars of the people who post regularly so when someone changes theirs - it throws me off. I finally got used to your Thanksgiving theme and now this. When do you start with your Christmas avatars?
Probably in a couple of weeks. Maybe tomorrow.