chambray \SHAM-brey\


a fine cloth of cotton, silk, or linen, commonly of plain weave with a colored warp and white weft.
peplum \PEP-luhm\


1. a short full flounce or an extension of a garment below the waist, covering the hips.
2. a short skirt attached to a bodice or jacket.
3. Obsolete. a peplos.
bauble \BAW-buhl\


1. a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket; gewgaw.
2. a jester's scepter.
ikat \ee-kaht\


1. a method of printing woven fabric by tie-dyeing the warp yarns (warp ikat), the weft yarns (weft ikat), or both (double ikat) before weaving.
2. a fabric made by this method.
bordereau \bawr-duh-ROH; Fr. bawr-duh-ROH\


a detailed memorandum, especially one in which documents are listed.
anfractuous \an-FRAK-choo-uhs\


characterized by windings and turnings; sinuous; circuitous: an anfractuous path.
orrery \AWR-uh-ree, OR-\


1. an apparatus for representing the positions, motions, and phases of the planets, satellites, etc., in the solar system.
2. any of certain similar machines, as a planetarium.
We had company over the week end so I missed those days, here they are:

joggle \JOG-uhl\

1. to shake slightly; move to and fro, as by repeated jerks; jiggle: She joggled the key in the lock a couple of times before getting the door open.
2. to cause to shake or totter as by a sudden, slight push; jostle.
3. to join or fasten by fitting a projection into a recess.
4. to fit or fasten with dowels.
5. to move irregularly; have a jogging or jolting motion; shake.

1. the act of joggling.
2. a slight shake or jolt.
3. a moving with jolts or jerks.
4. a projection on one of two joining objects fitting into a corresponding recess in the other to prevent slipping.
5. Carpentry. an enlarged area, as of a post or king post, for supporting the foot of a strut, brace, etc.

dissilient \dih-SIL-ee-uhnt\


bursting apart; bursting open.
fleer \fleer\


1. to grin or laugh coarsely or mockingly.
2. to mock or deride.
3. a fleering look; a jeer or gibe.
monad \MON-ad, MOH-nad\


1. a single unit or entity.
2. Biology. a. any simple, single-celled organism. b. any of various small, flagellate, colorless ameboids with one to three flagella, especially of the genus Monas.
3. Chemistry. an element, atom, or group having a valence of one. Compare dyad (def. 3), triad (def. 2a).
4. Philosophy. a. (in the metaphysics of Leibniz) an unextended, indivisible, and indestructible entity that is the basic or ultimate constituent of the universe and a microcosm of it. b. (in the philosophy of Giordano Bruno) a basic and irreducible metaphysical unit that is spatially and psychically individuated. c. any basic metaphysical entity, especially having an autonomous life.
humdinger \HUHM-DING-er\


a person, thing, action, or statement of remarkable excellence or effect.
Parnassian \pahr-NAS-ee-uhn\


1. pertaining to poetry.
2. pertaining to Mount Parnassus.
3. of, pertaining to, or noting a school of French poets of the latter half of the 19th century, characterized chiefly by a belief in art for art's sake, by an emphasis on metrical form, and by the repression of emotive elements: so called from Le Parnasse Contemporain, the title of their first collection of poems, published in 1866.
4. a member of the Parnassian school of French poets.
lallygag \LAH-lee-gag, LAL-ee-\


1. to spend time idly; loaf.
2. to indulge in kisses and caresses; make love; neck.
pilose \PAHY-lohs\


covered with hair, especially soft hair; furry.
fermata \fer-MAH-tuh; It. fer-MAH-tah\


1. the sustaining of a note, chord, or rest for a duration longer than the indicated time value, with the length of the extension at the performer's discretion.
2. a symbol placed over a note, chord, or rest indicating a fermata.
albedo \al-BEE-doh\


1. the white, inner rind of a citrus fruit.
2. Astronomy. the ratio of the light reflected by a planet or satellite to that received by it.
3. Meteorology. such a ratio for any part of the earth's surface or atmosphere.
sectile \SEK-til\


capable of being cut smoothly with a knife.
gangle \GANG-guhl\


to move awkwardly or ungracefully: A tall, stiff-jointed man gangled past.
indubitable \in-DOO-bi-tuh-buhl, -DYOO-\


that cannot be doubted; patently evident or certain; unquestionable.
contrail \KON-treyl\


a visible condensation of water droplets or ice crystals from the atmosphere, occurring in the wake of an aircraft, rocket, or missile under certain conditions.
instauration \in-staw-REY-shuhn\


1. renewal; restoration; renovation; repair.
2. Obsolete. an act of instituting something; establishment.
loblolly \LOB-lol-ee\


1. South Midland and Southern U.S. a mire; mudhole.
2. a thick gruel.
emanate \EM-uh-neyt\


1. to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate. Synonyms: arise, spring, flow.
2. to send forth; emit.

1) a name or heading under which something is classified. : an explanation or a set of instructions at the beginning of a book, a test, etc.
2) in education:

a) In education terminology, scoring rubric means "a standard of performance for a defined population".
b) a document that articulates the expectations for an assignment by listing the criteria, or what counts, and describing levels of quality from excellent to poor.

For anyone who has kids in school. Teachers are the only folks I know who use this term.
hoosgow \HOOS-gou\


Slang. a jail.