The official Banter Away Thread

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I must have missed that thread, though there was some talk of crock pots, roast beefs, and turkey breasts in the dinner thread.


Just part of the same conversation.

Harry's Mirror
Or did you get a funhouse mirror like the one Harry has? You know the one that made his crock look massive.

They have mirrors for your pants? Where can I get one of those?
Im going to Disneyland tomorrow. I dont know how I feel about that yet.

Why on earth are you going to Disneyland? The Mouse totally creeps me out.
That's sweet Gasman. Superman creeps me out. Would you punch him too?
Ya but I dont think he will be there. If I see a kid with a Superman shirt on ill give him the stink eye.
Ya but I dont think he will be there. If I see a kid with a Superman shirt on ill give him the stink eye.

I :love: Gasman. Claire does too.
Ill punch him for you Claire.

Shortly before The Kid's first birthday, we were at Disney World for a conference. There was a character breakfast in our hotel, and The Kid bit Goofy on the nose.

Diane is right--I :love: Gasman.
Shortly before The Kid's first birthday, we were at Disney World for a conference. There was a character breakfast in our hotel, and The Kid bit Goofy on the nose.

I think the character breakfasts were the some of the worst torture I have experienced as a father.

I think the character breakfasts were the some of the worst torture I have experienced as a father.


We were only there because I had to be at that conference. I have refused ever to return.
We were only there because I had to be at that conference. I have refused ever to return.

Every three years I have a conference at the Swan in Disney World. That's why I went. In other years it's been in San Diego and I take the girls. They go to Disney Land on the train while I stay in SD.

Guess which location I prefer?

What do you know, I :love: me too. We should start a Gasman fan club. We can discuss bacon, female bodybuilders and such.

We already have a fan club. Harry is President. I thought you knew.
What do you know, I :love: me too. We should start a Gasman fan club. We can discuss bacon, female bodybuilders and such.

Don't we already have several threads for that?
Okay, the Gasman Fan Club is up and running. It's public. I can't seem to include a link, but under quick links, "social groups" is under "networking."
I joined. I :love: Gasman and turkey bacon.
It appears that Gasman is a member of his own fan club.

The only problem with social groups is that they pretty much just sit there.
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