THP Let's Make a Deal Contest

Dirt_Guy Come on down and be the 3rd Contestant.

Box 1

Box 2

Box 3


I'll go with #3. It can't be a loser 3 times in a row... can it?
Boo Says:

Boo Says:

Dirt_Guy Come on down and be the 3rd Contestant.

Box 1

Box 2

Box 3

I say avoid#1 go for #3
I am laying on my stomach because I am using my netflix computer by the TV. I am getting sore.

Smart choice not picking Box #2...Dog Food

Boo Girl does it again!

Hey, even if I never get picked, I'm still a winner because she's mine.
Winner!!! Hope it's guys stuff
WOOHOO! Way to go Dirt!
Congrats Dirt! 3 winners in a row.