Need some positive vibes


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
Fort Worth
I try to not ask for much but I need some help.
A month or so ago my wife (33 YO) started having some hearing loss in 1 ear but never said anything about it. She finally went to the doctor and they have diagnosed her with sudden sensorineural hearing loss. I've been told it's fairly rare but the causes are either 1) that ear just quit or 2) there might be a tumor pressing on some nerves. She's had terrible ringing and headaches due to her other ear trying to compensate for the loss. The body really is amazing.
She had a follow up this morning and they scheduled a CT & MRI for this afternoon as they think it is likely a tumor. They say that this type of tumor (if present) isn't terminal or life threatening or that they could be totally wrong about this being the cause.
I'll never admit this to her but I'm freaked the freak out. Brain tumor, at her age? The possibility of brain surgery, you gotta be kidding me?

I'm not dealing well right now.
gladly praying for you and your wife!! Godspeed to more info, and healing!!
Hang in there buddy, we're all here for you! Positive thoughts coming your way bro!!
Best of luck to both of you Matthew.
Praying for your wife, that things turn out well. A few prayers for strength on your end also on their way. You guys will get through this, continue to be her rock.
Positive thoughts coming your way. I actually know all too well about this as my friend was experiencing the same thing. They did find 2 small tumors that were non life threatening and he had surgery to remove them. Fast forward and he is now fine and can hear so hang in there bro, I wish you guys the best
Thoughts and prayers for you guys. Hoping for the best!
Positive vibes your way dude. That ish is downright scary. Hoping for the best.
Headed your way hang in there
positive thoughts headed your way
T&P sent your way
Thoughts and prayers your way, and definitely hoping for the best.
Thats terrible Matt. Thoughts and prayers heading your way buddy.
Thoughts and prayers to you and your wife. Hang in there, Matthew.
Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your wife.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. All the best
Sorry to hear that, but you and your wife will be in my prayers.
Not on here much but when I saw this had to jump on it.
Will keep you and your wife in my prayers, hang in there be strong!
All our thoughts and prayers are with your wife and you.
Positive thoughts and prayers are heading your way. Hoping for the best
Prayers coming your way.
You have my prayers. Couldn't imagine being in your shoes. Stay strong.