IOS 9 - Plans to update?


Live in the Present
Albatross 2024 Club
Aug 7, 2013
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IOS 9 was released today at 1pm eastern time. Anybody planning on updating their I-devices right away? Anything really useful that stands out? One thing I'd be interested in is the power save feature and how much battery life that saves.
Im waiting to hear the horror first. Every update has some issues right away it seems and iOS have had quite a few early on for the last couple of releases.
i was wondering what was up with my phone. A few app logos changed and my phone battery life wasnt as strong as normal. That usually means an update is coming.
I think it comes standard on the 6S. I am getting that on the 24th I believe so I will probably just wait.
Already updated. New fonts, Apple app icons are different and a few other new features. Tapatalk is kinda slow on it though.
Im waiting to hear the horror first. Every update has some issues right away it seems and iOS have had quite a few early on for the last couple of releases.

This is true. I've backed my phone up. Still on the fence whether to try the update or see what the fallout is and wait for the inevitable 9.1 release.
The new News app is pretty neat. I could see that being a way to catch up on what's going on when I'm waiting in line somewhere or needing to kill some time.
I will most likely wait until I get home and can back my phone up. Update before last something went wonky and my phone was running hot and going through the battery in 20% of the time it normally lasted. Lost a lot of info because I hadn't backed up for a while, so want to avoid that.
I'll wait to see how the early adopters shake out. The battery saver and the fact that it uses less memory to install are the top two reasons for me if all goes well and no big issues come up.
I have been running beta iOS 9 since they started it with little to no issues. Already on 9.1 beta with no issues so far except one icon messed up.
Installing it now on my iPad. Waiting to see how it goes before updating my phone.
Getting ready to hop on a flight for a quick business meeting. Not going to upgrade until my return.
Not updating until I see others experiences and I expect a 9.1 release in a week or so
After a hard reset, it seems to be noticeably faster at opening and switching between apps. The new font will take some getting used to, but I'm liking it so far.
I am in IT, at work I like to lag behind just a bit, but all my home devices (5 iOs devices @ home) I will update in the few days.
the keyboard is better, haven't played much yet. But looks pretty good
Installing on phone now....we shall see.
After a hard reset, it seems to be noticeably faster at opening and switching between apps. The new font will take some getting used to, but I'm liking it so far.

New keyboard font is messing with me, I wish I could change it back. So far I'm liking what I'm seeing though.
New keyboard font is messing with me, I wish I could change it back. So far I'm liking what I'm seeing though.

Same here
Im waiting to hear the horror first. Every update has some issues right away it seems and iOS have had quite a few early on for the last couple of releases.

The first iOS 9 version back in June had a bug where the battery life was like 20% of normal. I had to go back to 8 after a couple days. I've been using the release version for about a week and haven't had any issues so far.
So far so good, I like the new look, almost seems smaller to me, but that's probably just my eyes playing tricks on me, the new news app is quite nice.
.....update in progress! I'm so low tech....I just hope the keyboard is better and the battery life too!
I downloaded it to my 4s and doesn't seem any slower than normal. I'm checking out the news app now.

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the news app is basically flipboard if anyone is familiar with that app. so far I prefer flipboard still but you never know...
I took the plunge and updated. So far so good. Need to start exploring the new features now.