People moving and talking during your swing


Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score
I was playing a round of golf with some buddies and one of my friends hit a horrible shot and claimed it was because we were all talking and moving around. He then proceeded to take a mulligan. I am curious about people's opinion on this topic. Personally I don't really get distracted by people moving or talking. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
I don't care what you do as long as you don't start or stop it in the middle of my swing. Be quiet or not. Be still or not. Just don't do both!
I will usually bother me to be honest. But only if its sudden. If I start my swing and people are talking I usually dont have an issue.
He doesn't get a mulligan. I don't mind if people are talking and moving in my swing, as long as it isn't a startling noise, I am ok.
I Personally don't care if people are moving or talking but everyone is different.
My one friend will go as far as, if he is putting and your shadow is to close to his ball he will freak out and demand that you move.
My one friend will go as far as, if he is putting and your shadow is to close to his ball he will freak out and demand that you move.

Depending on the manner in which he "demands", that's kind of douchey. I don't think it's outlandish to ask a person to move, but asking is a lot different than demanding.
Personally doesnt bother me at all, I could care less if someone was behind me taking practice swings, I am focused on my shot/swing not what other people are doing.
Depending on how he is playing depends on how he will ask. If he is playing good then he will be nice about it, but if he isn't play good he gets to be a D-bag. I usually roll my eyes at him and just walk away. Mainly because he has only been playing golf for 3 years and trying to lecture all of us on the "proper" etiquette of golf lol. :banghead:
Used to bother the piss out of me, then I played with a guy who talked all the time. I mean the entire time for 18 holes. I got used to it and now I get rattled very infrequently. If I hit a bad shot it is because I am not good at this game.
I grew up in my teens and 20's playing golf with a bunch of guys who would throw beer tabs or bottle caps at the ball right as you were addressing it so not much bothers me. It does bother me a little if someone goes from normal voice to whispering - just keep talking!
i only care if i hit a bad shot, which means i use it as an excuse for the shot. i've hit good shots with people moving, and i've hit bad shots with people moving. so it doesn't bother me, but it does give me an excuse :)
I don't care if people are moving or talking as long as it is not a sudden sound. Helps I'm quite a bit deaf though hahaha.
I'm not bothered by it. Heck I play music while I play. So talking and moving are just a norm.
As others have said, makes no difference to me as long as it docents start in my swing
I carry on conversations while I line up shots and putts. I even talk sometimes during my own swing. Maybe that's why I'm no good at this game...
As most people said, I don't mind people talking or moving as long as it is not sudden in the middle of my swing... The hard part in golf is to stay focus, it can be a good test!
i hope for the same courtesies & respect that I give my playing partners when they are swinging
Doesn't bother me either way. But I won't walk or talk while someone else is hitting.
Normally not bothered by constant movement or talking it's the sudden change or starting of that when I get bothered,
I probably set the tone when i stop moving or talking when someone is preparing to hit. I just think that is courtesy. I also make sure my shadow is not in their sight, on the green. Usually people show the same courtesy in return.
I probably set the tone when i stop moving or talking when someone is preparing to hit. I just think that is courtesy. I also make sure my shadow is not in their sight, on the green. Usually people show the same courtesy in return.

Say you have that one inconsiderate person playing with you, would you get upset with them if they did any of those things? I only ask because I have be guilty of moving in someone's swing, of course it was not on purpose, their reaction with to freak out though.
i was playing in a scramble a few months ago and the course was pretty backed up. This meant we watched the foursome in front of us and the the foursome behind us watched everyone of our shots on the tee. They were super loud and obnoxious. On the 3rd or 4th hole we asked them to be quiet when we hit and they just got worse and worse. After about the 13th hole my entire group was annoyed and our level of play dropped big time. All 4 of us are pretty level headed players and can handle a little chitchat but these guys would burst out into laughter or cough really loud right as you were about to swing. They couldn't have been more annoying if they tried. Needless to say things got heated and they probably thought we were elitist d-bag golfers.....when in fact they were the ones being rude. Moral of the story. Try not to talk or move around in someones swing. If you do it by accident, apologize. If they have to ask you multiple times you're probably the one being a d-bag.
I know a guy...
I can understand the shadow on the green but for a full swing it has to be something extreme to bother me.