Golf Digest or Golf Magazine - Do you read the print version?


THPer formerly known as "markm778"
Albatross 2024 Club
Mar 25, 2015
Reaction score
Arlington Heights, IL
I have print subscriptions for both and don't read either one of them. They collect dust. No desire especially since being active here. I'm I alone? Do you read the electronic version?
The club receives copies of both for the locker room and waiting area outside my office. I've thumbed through them occasionally but not particularly regularly.
Don't read any of them.
Somehow they keep sending me them even though I have never paid a subscription. Rarely read them though
My brother reads them both and I well read some articles when at his house
I don't favor either but they make good bathroom reading IMO.
Same for me, good way to past the time.
I still get Golf magazine, I look at it but not as much since I found THP.
Read them both. I also get golfweek and Links magazine.
I flip through them and find the occasional good article. Don't pay much attention at all to the instruction pieces. I can get that elsewhere, including here with Tadashi.
I read Golf Magazine in the Library.
I catch the articles I like on Flipboard. No magazines in print for me anymore.
Only at the gym or my kids' orthodontist's office.
I look at Golf. The information about clubs is jaded but I would try them anyway. Their personal interest stories are very good sometimes!!
I get Golf Week but that is it.
I get the print versions and don't read them online. I really only skim the magazine for about 5 minutes. I am waiting for my subscriptions to run out. Golf should have sent me the last issue and Golf Digest runs out in 2019.
Yep, I get them both and read most if not all of it. The contain some good articles most of the time and I can occasionally find a tip that will help for a bit.
Electronic version of Golf Digest. Paper version is a waste of trees.
Used to get both. No longer get either. I never read them.
I got a 2 year subscription to Golf Magazine for $40 CAD... I stopped reading Golf Digest.
I read both. Just love taking in golf info across providers.
I get golf digest for some reason haven't paid for it in years and maybe I will flip through one copy a year. And no it's not the hit list one.