Landed a job today

Congrats Trey!
Congrats Trey! I am actually looking to do the same thing in a year and would love to be able to land any kind of gig at a golf course, regardless of pay.
Great news trey!
What a relief! I was out of work from December 21st to Jan 23 this year. So nice to finally get a job again.
That's awesome! Congrats man!
Great news and congrats!

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Awesome, congrats!
Congrats, man. I hope it works out well for you!
Sounds like a great gig. Congrats man
Congrats Trey! Glad you found something that works well for you.
That is awesome news. I was without work for two years and feel lucky to have a job today. Don't forget those who helped you along the way. It is not unusual these days that they might need you sometime down the road.Best of luck.
Congrats Trey!! Glad to hear something came along quickly for you.
Hey there, Congrats on job and best of luck.
You working the Deltona club? Played there a couple of times each of last two winters while in FL.

Yes it is. Love the course, I play here about 10 times a month. So free is great.
Congrats on the new job. Doing something you love, and a much shorter commute, make up for a whole lot. Good luck!!

It is, I4 sucks. Plus I already play with and know everyone so it should be great.
Congrats dude! That's awesome.
pumped for you man! congrats!!!

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