Are you stubborn when it comes to change?

I'll easily change if it is for the better. Often try different, but if it doesn't provide immediate improvement, I'm out.

Maybe that's my problem and need to give it more of a chance?

Will be going to an Edel putter fitting sometime this year. May have my eyes opened as they don't have my go-to bend profile.
In the broad context of life no … had many changes , many involuntary and many of my choosing …

As for golf , if it works , that’s the primary goal … function over form …

There would obviously be some preferences but that’s subject to change also

No one ever won a tournament for the prettiest stroke it’s the numbers in the boxes …
when it comes to golf I don't think I'm too incredibly stubborn and will try just about anything. Yes I have some preferences, but I generally take whatever recommendation the fitter gives me.

In my regular life I"m probably very stubborn!
why is that?
I have no idea. Open to flexibilty and change in something i know isnt working (putting) and not at all with woods or irons or wedges. Working just fine
happy kat dennings GIF
I like change if it’s my idea or if I’m paying someone to help me with a change.
When it comes to golf, it’s not like anything I’ve ever done has worked so there isn’t a good reason not to change.
I have no idea. Open to flexibilty and change in something i know isnt working (putting) and not at all with woods or irons or wedges. Working just fine
oh, so you're having an internal debate that is backwards?
I think the fact that I'm a Sidesaddle putter answers that question!
So....are you too stubborn
I wouldn't call it stubborn. In golf, if you find something that works it's probably a good idea to stick with it. For example, my current putter is going on 8 years old and I have no plans to change it...last season, for example, I averaged 29.16 putts per round.

I might try other putters/clubs, but unless it has a real WOW factor, I'll stick with what I have.
I can't even try to putt with something that looks ugly to me. If I like how it looks, I'll switch in a heart beat. I'm using a new, different style, putter this spring!

I've fiddled with my grip a little here and there, but I'm not going to make any radical change, at least not yet.
It's a game of changes, long or short term, day to day, hole to hole.