Best Star Wars Character


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Oct 8, 2008
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Okay Nerds, I have been going back and forth with a friend of mine talking about this and it is gotten to the point of laughter. So I ask you, the wise THPers, what is the best Star Wars character and why?

The Rules
They can come from any movie that is part of the franchise, but it must be a theatrical release.
They must have had more than 5 minutes of screen time.


He has the best story and is a bad ass!
Vader. Greatest tragic villain of all time. Total bad A. You fear him but also root for him because he is just so awesome.
Han Solo.

I always liked his character.
His character blends into the movie, and he brings a little humor.

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Han Solo.

Great character, and Harrison Ford was far and away the best actor in any of the movies.
Chewbacca for sure. Wookie's rule while all you nerds drool.
To be Yoda has. hrmmmm
Han... and he shot first!
(ducks for cover)

Ive never watched a single Star Wars
Well I can confidently cross jar jar off the list.
Well I can confidently cross jar jar off the list.

To be the best, you have to bring the most emotion, and he brought the emotion unlike any character ever.

He has been at the center of some of the major plots/story lines and much of each movie depended on him doing something crucial to help continue the rebel cause.

Darth Vader would be a close second.
Has to be Darth Vader!
I'm a fan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Vader is a close second.

The Skywalkers are just too whiny for my liking lol.
Jabba the Hutt he is such a complex character

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Vader for sure
I'm going Yoda...being Muppet/CGI, he could have gone so wrong, but the lightsaber battle with General Grevious saved Episode 2 and was the one scene in that trilogy that made crowds applaud.
Have to go with Vader!! He caused more emotion than than anyone I know!
Han. Bar none.
Vader. Hands down. End of argument.
To be the best, you have to bring the most emotion, and he brought the emotion unlike any character ever.

And for someone like my wife who has watched them but isn't hardcore about them, she can probably quote more jar jar lines than any other, or maybe about even with say, Vader, Yoda or Han.
Anakin/Vader has the best story IMO. Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine is pure evil, and an awesome villain. If you expanded the query to all the affiliated TV cartoons and comics, I'd say Darth Maul's story after he got chopped in half was pretty good too, but Vader is the best overall character.
Yoda...just ask my 3 year old granddaughter who had this to say yesterday.
"When I eat salmon, it makes my bones turn into Master Yoda bones."