Do You Have a Second Job?


2024 Shaft Up #1 with UST Mamiya
Albatross 2024 Club
Jun 4, 2010
Reaction score
Mineral Point, Wisconsin, United States
Outside of your main profession do any of you currently hold what would be considered a second job?

I currently picked up a seasonal job at Lands End for their peak season. It's only about 8 weeks of work before the holidays and ends about mid-December. It basically gives us a little extra money around the holidays, but the big perk is getting use of what's called the "Activity Center" by my kids. It's basically just a big workout facility with every type of exercise machine/equipment/weight you could think of. A track for indoor running, basketball court and a swimming pool. The pool is great since my kids can take swim lessons their year round. All that access for the entire year, just by working 8 weeks.

Got me wondering how many THP'ers hold a second job? If I did this all year I don't think I'd have any time for golf, so it got me curious.
I’ve been to inking about doing the same sort of seasonal work at Kohl’s but it’s sounds much less appealing now because it doesn’t come with any of those added perks lol.
I have two consulting agreements with physician management companies to negotiate managed care contracts on their behalf.

It's basically billing a very high hourly rate to send emails to payors and then get ignored. There's a reason I no longer do that fulltime.
I worked a second job for 9 years until December 2022. It was at a Household Hazard Waste collection facility for the county. It was a pretty easy job that paid well and I worked with two of my friends and my father. But it was mostly outdoor work, so the summers were brutal and I just got to the point where the time spent at the second job was no longer worth it. My dad and one of my friends still work there. I do have a lot of stories though since the general public are crazy and we saw some stupid things get brought in for disposal.
My main job is being a retired golfer, but my second job is babysitting my grandkids every Monday and Wednesday.
No, I don't have a second job.
My second job is toting a 4 and 2 year old 25 minutes one way, to daycare each morning and then going back and picking them up and bringing them home at the end of the day. And then all the usual dad stuff.

But a holiday time job might be fun. I did that during college where I worked for UPS for a couple weeks helping deliver packages on the big brown truck. That was actually a lot of fun.
My main job already feels like 2-3 jobs, so does that count?
First job: golf playing retiree.
Second job: part time club tech at Golf Galaxy.
No second job. Honestly though, I do debate it. I miss being "one of the associates" sometimes. In my position everyone is always so blah and corporate around me it's hard, but it's kind of what is expected with my line of work.

I simply don't have the time, or else I really think I would do it a few nights a week and just not tell anyone what I did. Go work retail or something and sell some stuff for fun, actually get to talk to people about things other than rules and contracts.
the big perk is getting use of what's called the "Activity Center" by my kids. It's basically just a big workout facility with every type of exercise machine/equipment/weight you could think of. A track for indoor running, basketball court and a swimming pool. The pool is great since my kids can take swim lessons their year round. All that access for the entire year, just by working 8 weeks
I just picked up a second job working with my coach on the weekends. He’s going to start teaching me all about club building and fitting. He’s also going to have me help out him and one other coach with the Kids camps they are running.
Parenting is job 1.
Storekeeper in a shipping/receiving department is job 2 I guess.
If something goes haywire at job 1, Job 2 takes a back seat.

Would I like a side gig? Definitely. Hopefully soon we can jot down "spouse of restaurant part-owner"
Yes. I’m Assistant Attorney General in Texas. I also teach Environmental Law at a law school. I also just started an environmental nonprofit. That is a volunteer role.
I’ve considered it but don’t want to sacrifice the time I get to golf
I worked at a ski shop when I was younger to get discounts on equipment and free skiing but I haven’t done it in 24 years.
I’ve been a paid assistant high school wrestling coach for a couple of years now. I supposed that counts, though I’m pretty sure I’m still loosing money over the season 😂 $5 an hour barely covers the gas 😳
Not anymore... when my wife was still in school I did at times. Drove Uber, delivery, bartended, etc. Thankfully the schooling paid off and I have a Sugar Momma now.
Yes. A couple small few day a month side gigs…
My second job is working way too many hours at my first job :mad:
can i get a part time gig as a club fitter somewhere? That's a second job I could get behind. Or maybe semi-full time ish after Dec next year when I can retire
No 2nd job here, my one and only takes up enough of my time. I've thought about it over the years- especially prior to getting into my current area, but never capitalized on the free time.